Sunday, December 26, 2021

Blinded by the Fright

          'Christendom' was transmogrified to become Christen-DUMB.   Average Joe and Average Mika were SURROUNDED by Stone Age Aggravation, Hostility and FEAR.  This FEAR obstructed Mental Acuity so much so that even Common Sense became IMPOSSIBLE to Access.   The Left's INABILITY to forcefully Recognize the Demise and ultimate Downfall of Democracy was manifested in THEIR Desire for a "Return to Normalcy" which DENIED the Cafeteria "Common Sense" of  "Aint no one gonna make a fucking cucumber into-a fucking pickle".   

        Dispositional Apportionment, check that, Spiritual Dispositional Apportionment did little if NOTHING to countervail the Onslaughts of seemingly TORNADIC Political Devastation.  The so-called Media "Brites" , that is, Those that wished to be numbered among Political Scientists, were heard, in INSUFFERABLE  Contexts BEGGING for ATTENTION TO DIRE URGENCY.   They clung by their fingernails to a willow Thread of Democracy , the one of  Hope  as  Essence of Power.   


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