Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Might of Plight

 Incipient recidivism was recognized, confronted,, and thwarted during the 50's as Neo-Nazism and Communism tried to 'foothold' the American ConsciousNess.  John Birch and Mc Carthy were excoriated and vilified in Public Pillory in such manners as to assuage Ideological and POLITICAL Fear.   The Nation DEMANDED a Return to a "Pax Romana" experienced at the end of the Korean War--- short lived as it truly was.  The American Civilization was Recognized for Abject Superiority due to its Resources both Industrial and HUMAN.  The so-called "Greatest Generation" was Enshrined much to the HORROR of its own Off-Spring, who rallied AGAINST the War Foundation that had engineered the said `Pax Americana`.   Horror begot Horror as Viet Nam was experienced as VIOLATION of American YOUTHFUL Will.  Here it was that the MIGHT of RIGHT sanctioned the OPEN-FIRE by the Mil upon America's OWN.  "Four Dead in Ohio" almost EQUALED the Horror of Nagasaki and Hiroshima ---- the Plight of Democracy sealed for ALL Eternity.

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