Sunday, December 26, 2021


           Incessant Pressure and Unremitting Horror combined to produce a `Dis`-Reality not only Devoid of Truth but Parasitic as well.  Propaganda Prevailed as "Control of the Narrative" where 'Narrative' is code for Myth.   The Reversion to Stone Age ConsciousNess unleashed a Primal Ferocity that DRAINED  the "Flight or Fight" INSTINCTUAL Response of `Civilized Folk` whose Horror of WHAT-WAS-HAPPENING-RITE-BEFORE-THEIR-EYES produced a Catatonia that was marked by (a) Mental Insolvency and Emotional (Pathological) Helplessness which then generated  Misanthropic Delusion.

        Leftist Exasperation produced pleading Cries for the Rite to 'WAKE THE FUCK UP'... an EGREGIOUS Impossibility due to the Very Nature of Instinctual Primality, the one where the Masses are returned to a Levy-Brull (sic)  "Participation Mystique".   At this Junk-Ture, NO amount of REASON would be capable of Effecting and AFFECTING the "Herd Instincts" of the Myth Bound Rite, a Rite whose Leaders KNEW that they faced their own Evolutionary EXTINCTION and because of the Instinct of Self Preservation, would then DO and SAY   ANYTHING   in order to maintain their Existence.  





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