Saturday, December 11, 2021

`No new is good new`

         As recently as 'Some time ago' ,  a 'noted'  Film Critic bemoaned the lack of "Originality" in modern Film Making.  He presented a case that identified MONEY & PROFIT as the Cause(s) of Film-Makers' UNWILLINGNESS to Advance NU (NOO) Concepts, Themes and Psychological Scrutiny(s) that would ELEVATE and E-X--P---A----N-----D  the Consciousness of the American Film Viewer, and in so doing, the General Pop Culture Society as a Whole.    As a result, ONLY "Tried and True" Money Making enterprises have reached a brain-washed (my word for Retarded) Viewing Public, themselves made OBLIVIOUS by  the INCESSANT  DIS-Originality of low-quality Thematic Structures.  

 `No new is good new` .

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