Tuesday, December 21, 2021

1.00 + 1.00 = 10000

         The Arithmetically Astute among You will have identified the "Transitive Principle" [ A = B, B = C,, A = C ] as the active Agent.  Just before "God = Credit" there is a Space .  Hold on to this 'Space' for a moment .   OBVIOUSLY Credit does  NOT    EQUAL   God.    However, in Applied Psychology there IS a 'Logic of the UN-CONSCIOUS'  that DEMANDS not only Balance but Stability as well.  That there CANNOT be Equality does NOT enter Real-Time Cognition, because it SEEMS Preposterous.  In fact it  IS Preposterous most Definitely  BUT !!!! That's NOT How the Psyche receives and TRANSLATES that Sensory Input.   The Unconscious DEMANDS Balance and Stability as mentioned above.  In order to reach Stability, the Equations in the previous blog are somehow assigned Equality which then Balances the Equation Satisfactorily .  This Balance DOES NOT HAVE-TO BE TRUE in order to achieve Stability.  What happens is that the Conscious Mind 'continues'   As IF   Un-effected by the Presence of PSYCHOLOGICAL TRUTH.  However , beneath the Conscious is this UN Truth that "works" to generate a Dis-Ease, it acts like a 'grating agent' delivering the Anxiety of the Conscious manifested as the Feel of  "Somethin' aint right".

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