Tuesday, December 14, 2021

HELL Sinky

        Helsinki was NOT recognized by the Right for what it truly was, the [glad]"Handing Over" of a once INDISPUTABLE Self-Sovereignty  to a Dictator LADEN with UNQUESTIONABLE Despotic Demonism.     Democraps were AGHAST at such TREASONOUS  BLATANCY,,, so too 'left-leaning' Media Outlets,,,, but Congressional imbecilic INERTIA Guaranteed repubiKKKan DISMISSAL of any if not ALL Presidential 'Wrong-Doing'.   

        The so-called LAUNCH of AmeriKKKan  Insurrectionism was Initiated by putin himself  IN FULL VIEW AND HORROR of Peace Loving democraps, reduced to ideological SQUALOR by the SUPER-HEAVY handedNess of Despotic Propaganda promulgated by putin and his Cyber-Superior Army.  

        All that could be heard from the Left were the Wails and Shrieks of care-worn Sorrow and rag-tagic Cries of Blasphemy.   EVERYWHERE  violently exposed that MENDACITY was the Trajectory to Victory.   

         "Onward Christo-Trumpist Soldiers".  


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