Sunday, December 12, 2021

The Minute-Tor

         Steve "The Cannon" Bannon bombarded Democracy STRUCTURES  as Steve "The Nazi" Miller ground political Moral Civility into nothing more than toxic dust.  At NO Time did democrats object.  Whines and Cries of "Racial Injustice" were heard as only sheep bleats,  The Liberal Left and Progressive Activists were AWOL during the Initial Stages of Trumpist Fascism.   They cocooned themselves in a "3 Little Pigs"  "Straw House"  from which could be heard the pleading wail of only "This CAN'T be happening".   

        In something of an Opiatic Catatonia, democrats waited for the RepubliKKKan$ to "Come Around" i.e, to awaken from a Purgatorial Slumber characterized by Zombie-atic Somambulism .   Warning Signs that had become FOGHORN BLARES went UNHEEDED due to the Opiatic Catatonia the rats had inflicted upon themselves.   

        To this minute, nothing has Changed.

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