Thursday, December 16, 2021


         Wonder, Contemplation and Mull have led me to a Conviction that the Cold War with its Possibility of Global Life EXTINCTION, `worked` in such a way that DENIED a `Sensibility` that could Register "I am Safe" in the Subliminal, Sub Conscious and UN-Conscious Minds of a Civilian Population  that had  ALREADY  experienced UNRELENTING Anxiety largely due to the Maniacal Anti-Communist Executions of Joe "Blow" McCarthy.  The aptly tagged "Red Scare" pervaded the mainstream, mainRIVER Conscious which begot Monu-MENTAL Societal SUSPICION.  You could NOT "trust" your neighbor if he, she, or they,  were `sympathetic` to democratic liberality.  College Liberals (both Black and Whyte) rendered "In God We Trust" as "DON'T TRUST ANYONE OVER  THIRTY".   You can see it ryte ?   DIS-Trust SUPPLANTED "Trust" in an Ethical and then MORAL Calamity that, over the next few Generations, resulted in the ABJECT REJECTION  of  ALL Truths INCLUDING THOSE OF SCIENCE at the very least in those Areas of Uniformed Media Observance. 


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