Wednesday, December 8, 2021


 Democrats have allied themselves to a New Testament Christianity whose Foundation appears to be 
              "And the meek shall inherit the Earth".  So often have they "Turned the other cheek" republicans have tattooed  them ---> "the punching bags of the Universe".   The democ-rats have scurried away from even the THREAT of personal contact both physical AND Mental, such is the Nature of their Desperation to AVOID any and ALL Confrontation.   How is this to be characterized ?   "Despicable " comes to mind.

My Love for the Risen Christ is based upon Him as SUBVERSIVE REVOLUTIONARY.  He is the ONE Who, upon entering the Temple of Monetary Fornication, overturned the tables of capitalist money lenders with such Rage and Fury, the Universe itself SHOOK.  He is the One Whose Divine Ministry emblazoned "I did not come to bring Peace ---I have come to bring SWORD".  THIS should be the New Paradigm for the War Against All Evil.   Meekness does NOT feed a Family nor can it Protect oneself and one's Family from Calamitous Destruction---- How can it ?  Meekness CANNOT be "Weaponized", yet Humility in Power actualizes FORCE.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

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