Tuesday, December 14, 2021


         "It's all over -----   for the Unknown Soldier" so laments Jim Morrison and The Doors.   When I was witnessing  the "Stars and Bars" being victoriously paraded through the once Sacred Halls of the Capital Building, my entire Being felt the abject demise of American Christo-Democracy.  The Confederate South, had, after years and Generations, GUARANTEED their Place in American History as The Almighty and All Powerful.   The South had FULLY Conquered the North, there could be no other View.

        Even though (despite) the Congress's completion of that day's Agenda, that 'It' was `hollowed out` by that day's SUCCESSFUL Insurrection and subsequent OVERTHROW of Christo-American Government, a Coup d'etat SURPASSING Any and ALL Others EVER attempted by rabidly psychotic  Masses filled with HATE-LADEN if not   SAVAGE   BLOOD-LUST.  

       Not only was the V.P.  hanged in Effigy, the Pres was castrated by a dull butter knife reducing him to  nothing more than Titular Headship.  


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