Friday, December 31, 2021

Cock Surety

           There's an exquisitely TORTUOUS Scene in "Casino Royale" in which there is an `Exchange` between Eva Green and Dan "The Man" Craig.   They seek to Penetrate each other's Inmost Defenses with nothing less than Introspective Revelation.   Green, as COCKSURE Wench, insists that Bond is nothing more than an Orphaned BOY whose Conditional Rearing was all that was Needed to entice M-1 to seduce him into the Queen's Spy Web.   Bond does NOT object to Her     `Refinement`  . 

          Here now  AN  Aspect of the Divine Female as She unleashes Her Power as Intuitive Progenitor.  Bond is ALREADY "Under her Spell", Beauty, at Its NAKED and Absolute,  has disarmed Bond and made him Receptive to Influence.  Green is fucking FEARLESS as she BORES into Danny's Psyche, almost pulling his Brain out through his nostril, all the while wielding Demure and the Promise of Perfection with GODDESS-Like Faculty.  Dan is Power-LESS,,  ---->    AS ARE WE.  

          We sensate that Dan IS NO MATCH for THE DIVINE FEMALE... 

          Indeed, No mere Man is.

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