Monday, December 13, 2021

"Here come the Judge"

      Societal Defiance of Personal Responsibility became almost CELEBRATED as a CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEE  perverted-ly fallacious tho' it was.  Here it is where "All's Fair In Love and War" became the Street and Gutter PARALLEL of what was ACTUALLY Written in the Constitution = the 5th Amendment.   The Legal STIGMA of Self  NON-Incrimination  was granted MORAL Status and even somewhat GLORIFIED by the colloquial supplementation of 

                                                     "ANYTHING GOES".

        "Anything Goes" 'took along' with it   Truth .  See it, "Truth Goes".  

        "Anything Goes" became a Global Tsunami that virtually Slaughtered-by-Drowning the very Virtues and Ideals that had FOR CENTURIES supported HumanKind's Advance toward GLOBAL Peace and Prosperity.  Clearly IF "Anything Goes" THEN Nothing can be held as Sacred.  Here, once again American Christianity actually PROMOTED Ideological Debauchery as "Anything Goes", All's Fair in Love and War" was Spiritually JUSTIFIED with  

                                               "Judge not that ye be not Judged".

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