Saturday, December 11, 2021


         We are left to wonder, with the greatest Concern, what our Plight will be, given the Inevitability of American Empiric Demise.  Within the `Last` 'Dark Ages' the retain-ment of Scholastic and Academic Values by the Clergy and Clerics of various Religious Orders, both in Europe and Africa, were pivotal when the "Light" of  "Day" finally `dawned` in Italy, and later, in France.  Sadly, It was only Religious Sanctimony that maintained the Street and Gutter Obeisance of starving peasants whose rabid Devotion to the Church resulted in a Collective Conscious Retardation.  Remember, Church HYPOCRISY, was the ACCEPTED 'Norm', as once Celebrated and CHERISHED Virtues were DEFILED by priests, Bishops and Cardinals, whose only `Spiritual` Agenda, was the plunder of the Poor and Indigent, all in "God's Name".  

        I have argued elsewhere that the American Economic Politics had been transmogrified to become a RELIGION.  The perverted Worship of the Almighty DOLLAR Supplanted ALL Other Religions as Profit was CHERISHED by indolent Idolaters hellbent to maximize THEIR Material Existence at the Expense of Common Joe and Common Jane.  Here again, as I have mentioned elsewhere, Hypocrisy was the LIFEBLOOD of  Political Religion----Corruption was ACCEPTED as the 'Norm', Virtue Defilement its Manifestation.

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