Monday, December 13, 2021

Donald the "Hit [ler] Man" Trump

         I MAY become Famous for, "In America each and every citizen has the Constitutional RIGHT to be the BIGGEST Asshole he or she can be".   Here, additional Conditional Celebrity was achieved by the Mil's GLAMORIAZTION  of  "Be All You Can Be" ---- intended to promote the rigors of Military Life as SPIRITUAL/PHYSICAL `VEHICLE` for ANY Individual who wanted a SOLID Foundation for Career Management and who was willing to Sacrifice his or her Life, in the Name, once again, of American Democracy.   

        And so it was that the BIIIIGGEST ASSHOLE ON THE PLANET was elected and Elected RIGHTEOUSLY by a now `AmeriKKKan`  Diabolically RACIST Electorate DRIVEN by the Elevation of THEIR Darkest Primal Instincts which did not nor COULD not be subject to CONSCIOUS Self Regulation by  ANY  'Sort'  of   Socio-Religio- Forbearance.  

      "Hail   to the Chief'  became    'HIEL'  to the Chief.  


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