Saturday, December 11, 2021

A Legacy of Lethargy

         Recently, a noted political pundit, in an Effort to understand Democrat Party Complacency with regard to the EXISTENTIAL CRISIS currently being Experienced by the American Civilization,, suggested that it was the Democrats'  "LACK of IMAGINATION" that accounted for the soon-to-be CATASTROPHIC Nature of Democrats' "Live and let live" New Testament `Commandment`.  He `sed` that this 'lack of imagination' RETARDED (my word not his) the Mental Vision NEEDED to SEE the CONSEQUENCES of the ONGOING OVERTHROW OF DEMOCRACY by republiKKKan Slavery Capitalists INTENT upon REMOVING `Civilization` from the American Socio-Political Mind-Scape and the EXPRESSED Intent to RETURN  Americans to the Stone Age SLAVERY  that defined the Ante-Bellum South.  

        The pundit complained that the democrats' REFUSAL to engage Optimal Foresight, a Foresight foundation-ed upon Imagination-as-LOGIC,, would and HAS produced a brutally sardonic Lethargy.  We are looking at a Legacy of Lethargy.

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