Wednesday, December 8, 2021

"Tune it, Turn on,, Drop Out"

 The American (MILITANT) "Left" = the Liberals and Progressives who decry the Democratic Party for its Utter and Complete 'disassociation' from the Prevailing Political Reality has been almost VIOLENTLY Vociferous,, indeed,,,  rightly so.   Even Street and Gutter Evangelists, of whom I name myself as one, have tried to fathom the Depth of republican Political Atrocity, SONAR-ed as Neo-American Fascism.  The Righteous    "CLARION CALL TO ARMS"    has been MONU-MENTAL-LY IGNORED by flaccid quasi-politicals, seeming oblivious to "Emergency" and "URGENCY".  These X-`Hippiefied` Folks MUST be perceived as Off-Spring(s) of a Generation, who, after Woodstock, resigned themselves to 6 Words  = = = = = =  "Tune in, Turn On,, Drop Out".

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