Monday, December 20, 2021

Season of the Switch

        The Government's Failure to Protect 'the People' from all Threats Foreign AND Domestic, from the close of the Korean War On,, produced a Dis-Ease characterized by DE-SENSITIZATION .   Be careful to note that the Protection offered by the Gov was one of PHYSICALITY which did not and could not (by Definition) include ANY Sort of  MENTAL Approbation.  There is no fucking way in HELL that the Founding Drunkards, even `tanked-up` on the highest quality mead, could have been able, with their BEST Self-Righteous Renaissance Purview, to  Foresee  ANY   'consequence'   of  Propaganda Ubiquity.  Shit, how the fuck COULD they ?   It  (Propagandal Ubiquity)  DID NOT EXIST. 

        If Agrarian-Ism is to be defined by an Ideology than It must be characterized as POLITICAL Representation of Natural Forces --->  PERHAPS best Appreciated by "To Everything turn , turn, turn, There is a SEASON, turn, turn, turn".   The so-called ECCLESIA, got this one RIGHT because it suited and suited PERFECTLY, the Religion Oriented Demography of [that] Site and Time.  

        Farmer-Citizens were `Tuned to the COZMIC (Universal) Infinite`.   

         Please sit with that for a few moments.





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