Friday, December 24, 2021

"Naked and Afraid"

         The American Conscious, the COLLECTIVE Conscious, was surrounded not just by 'inadequacy and ineptitude', but by the insidious Aggravation of BLATANT Corruption, insidious here to connote its Subliminal and Sub Conscious Violation.   The Citizen was wholly UNPREPARED for such egregious Onslaught and in order to achieve at least SOME Semblance of Balance and Levelity (Level + Ity) Average Joe and Average Mika reverted to Times of Yesteryear and Bygone Dramas of Reality-as- Theater.   Since the Present Reality of Horror, Terror and an One DEVOID of Truth and Trust was actively UNTENABLE there was no Recourse save Psychological Reversion, the one of Primal INSTINCTUAL Panorama and the Abject DENIAL of Proximal Devastation.  

        ALL Democracy Based Institutions and ALL Slavery Capitalist Industries were viewed as COMPLETELY Corrupt which then Commanded a DEADENING of Senses and REASON that the now almost Mortally Wounded Psyche NEEDED to Survive.  

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