Tuesday, December 14, 2021

"Keep the Faith".


        Still with me ?  That's too bad (where sometimes "Bad is BAD").

         Listen kidz, DESPITE the punitive claw and raven gouge of Zen Attribution, my Soul and I have had DIRECT Experiential Knowledge of the Divinity of the Continuum.   Earlier I told you of my 'Pledge'---it iz and is NOT anything of the Sort so much az it Iz the  Expression of CONTRACTUAL Assignment.   Earth and its Humanity have proven IMPOSSIBLE Daunt, the Daunt of UN-FORECAST-ABLE Misery amplIFIED by Karmic Suffering.  Yet, I have not lost nor will I  EVER  abandon the Mahayana or the Devotion to Buddha's Teaching.   Within me  is to be found the GREAT FAITH  needed to Exist in a Universe `concrecated` by Dualism   a Dualism that coercive-ly advantages Savage Cruelty AND Compassionate BEAUTY as Forces of both Decay AND Creativity.

        Fuck all that opi-istic optimism of Unicorn Rainbow-Ocity.  HOPE will NEVER EVER be Weaponized in such a way that will ACTUALIZE Transformation nor REVOLUTION.    

       The Dogma of Zen barks  "Great Courage, Great FAITH and Great Courage as Its Pillars of Spiritual Reality.   

        HOWEVER Zen Master Huey Lewis and the News provide IMMEDIATE Relief in the forms of Music OCULAR Harmonics those of Sound AND Sight.   Listen to "Perfect World", "I Know What I Like" and "Trouble In Paradise" whenever stricken by Steve DeSilva Nihilism.   

        Not only will we survive this War, we will Win it.

        As 70's Black Sages admonished,    "Keep the Faith".



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