Saturday, December 18, 2021

Calm Passion

            The REASON myy Ministry uses the Gospel of Stephen is because it has as ITS Foundation, in Harmony with the Spiritual Harmonics of the Mahayana, COMPASSION as the Central Focus of Individual and Govern-Mental  Catholic (Universal) Psychological Dynamics.   Compassion IZ THE Spirit of the Universe because Compassion has as ITS Foundation Universal ONENESS.  

            The VICIOUS Duality described in the "Am I my brother's Keeper ?"  has resulted in nothing less than the Wholesale ABANDONMENT and DEFILEMENT of what was to be Jesus's "Sermon On The Mount".   Here it is where  DUALITY ,  "I am DIFFERENT from my Brother"  was ADVANCED to reside in a Socio-Political Reality that, by its very Nature,  DENIED, "Not only am I my brother's Keeper, I  AM my Brother."  This THIS is the ESSENCE of Buddhism and even more Specifically the Mystical Component of Zen itself.

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