Tuesday, December 21, 2021

"Land of the Lost"

         I am not going to included the Blog that is suppose to follow the previous tw o.  I don't have the Strength nor the Stamina.  It has to do with the `Physics of Psychological Logic` and is aptly titled "The Worm Hole".  

        Dispositional Transaction allows me to "Fast Forward" with nothing but Suspicious EEZ.  That said, it also allows me to maintain contextual Contact with the Previous Blogs and does NOT Dis-Connect or Sever the Thread of Today's Transmission.  

        The Way of the Ancients had prepared the farmlands for WasteLand Atrocity.  The Winds of Dust-Bowl Sandblast wore away any and ALL Vestiges of the Agrarian 'World View'.   This View included the Common Sense Wisdoms that had, for GENERATIONS,, Foundationed the Values, Virtues and American STANDARDS of Citizen Behavior and Deportment.  Among the most Cherished of These, "A penny saved is a penny EARNED", "An ounce of Prevention is worth  a pound of Cure",,  and the Richest :  "Money does NOT Grow on Trees".

        With THAT Demise  Frugality as a VIRTUE   was seemingly Lost into Forever.  



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