Saturday, December 11, 2021

"Ya like apples ?"

         There's that `Bar Scene` in the to-be-Classic Masterpiece, "Good Will Hunting".  I will tag that Scene ---> the "How do ya like THEM apples ?" ---< Scene.  Courageous if not VALIANTLY Dim-Witted, "I got nothin' to lose" Ben Affleck tries to 'blend into' a violently Academic Sub-Culture to which  he has NEVER had ANY access WHATSOEVER.      He finds himself UNDERWATER because an Academic Elitist has sought to Prove Affleck nothing more than a Northern Redneck INCAPABLE of even treading water in the Ocean of Knowledge.  

        Matt Damon rescues Ben and once on solid Land, turns to confront the Book-Reading-BULLY.  With a God-Like "I am and you're NOT" Authority, Matt plunges the brain of the Bully into the Same Knowledge Fluid with which The Bully subjected Ben.  At the close of the Combat the Bully uses Material Flaunt to deride and diminish Matt.  Matt's Response is a clean,, one-stroke decapitation.  He sez,  "I would rather flip burgers than to go through Life without one Original Thought .

        Minnie Driver prowls over to Damon.  " I waited for you to come over, but now I'm tired and I must go home".  She hands him her phone number.  The Scene closes with Matt snide-ing over to the Bully to administer "Through the Glass" [pain].  "Ya like apples ?   I got her number "HOW DO YOU  LIKE THEM APPLES ?" .

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