Friday, December 31, 2021

"Driven To Tears"


          I loaded "Zenyatta Mondatta" into the Sony and tracked '2' "Driven To Tears".   I set the attenuator to "CONCERT EAR BLEED".   As I vibrated I real{eared} I cood define Sting's Ministry with just a few Songs.  Brilliant, he is, Genius as well,, as are COPELAND and SUMMERS.   

          Before I continue I feel as if I MUST impress upon you the Nature of Establishing "Ministry" to Sting, Copeland,, and Summers' Work.  Before I moved into the Temple soon-to-be Zen Master Jacob Perl took me aside and almost whispered, "Do NOT 'look' for the Teaching IT IS ALL AROUND YOU ".   I didn't know what he meant but I was too excited to give it ANY thought.  

          So here's the Deal with THAT = .  Sting is a Zen Master, his Songs ARE his Ministry.  He EXPRESSES the Teaching OF THE WORLD, not just with Lyrics but with the Physical POWER of Sound-as-MUSIC supplied with the Teachings of Summers and Copeland.   TOGETHER Their Teaching is one of POWERFUL WORDS and POWERFUL SOUNDS.    

           Recall "Perceive Sound" ?     Well then, "Away we go".

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