Saturday, December 18, 2021

ONE because of MANY

         Know this :   Democracy once had as Its Foundation ARITHMETICAL Solvency, meaning,  Rule, as in Governmental Authority, was to be Foundation-ed upon the   WILL of the People   expressed by Electoral Dynamics.  Here, Rule was to be projected by the MAJORITY of the existing Populace, further manifested as "1 Citizen EQUALS 1 Vote.   Here,, INTENDED,,, was the PROTECTION of Societal NORMALCY , that's the one where Justice was to be served and administered by TRUSTWORTHY Democracy Devoted whose Democratic Abstract Ideals painstakingly Reflected those of the Population at Large.   Here it is where Governmental ONENESS was heralded in the Words "We the People" which identified the UNIFIED EFFORT of a Nation whose Goals were SUPPOSE to Establish a Trajectory toward Socio-Political Utopia   NOT   a Christian  Heaven.


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