Friday, December 24, 2021

Honest Lie-ing

        If 'Hypocrisy' is to be considered the 'Life Blood' of Corruption, so must Honesty be considered the 'Life Blood' of Integrity.   War, in all ,its Aspects of undeniable Atrocity, had forced Honesty to evaporate leaving behind not even a mote of Residue.  BOTH Sides inclined toward a Reality FREE from Introspection, relying instead upon, as stated earlier, Primal Recidivism and Open Denial.   Actions and Speeches were executed that IGNORED Honesty and EMBRACED Myth.  Propaganda was promulgated with Brain Washing Agency while  the Myth of Democracy Surety continued to Promote Denial.   

        Ubiquitous Perversion spread like the Omnipresent Covid-19 Plague.  

        "Battle Lines" were not and COULD NOT be 'Drawn' since Familial Piety Sanctioned Civil War Indemnity.   Instead, a Zombie-like Cannibalism invaded each and every Household with savage Predatory Revulsion.  No one was Safe, No One COULD-Be Safe.

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