Tuesday, December 28, 2021

White War-sh

          See the 'ruts' in Scruts ?    Well  THAT'S THE CODE.  

          Let's go again with one that's EZ-er.  Here's the Word  ------->  Blame.

          Begin with 'ame'  'Ame' is found on Fl-AME.  Blame then `takes on` HEAT.  You may get BURNED if you get near Blame.  Let's separate 'ame' into  'a ME' .  Burned by 'a' 'ME'.  Now change the spelling to Blaime, same SOUND but now the Code offers Bla-ME      Blame ME .   The last is the 1st-most OBVIOUS ===  "To blame" is to B  LAME.  It's LAME to Blame.  You can SEE it now Rite ??   That's how the Code Works, in a subliminal, peripheral, Ingognition EXCEPT that it floats on an UNDERCURRENT of ALMOST Recognition which Provides UNCONSCIOUS Power.  

          It is the Power of the UnConscious that manipulates Emotions and Feelings to Ignore the Underlying MEANING in order to maintain Balance and Levelity in the `Real` World of Surface Sensation and Attributive Phenomena.  Here it iz where "BrainWASHING" is `seen` rather as Brain BLEACHING.  Here now the Intention of the Extremist Rite, to WHITE WASH All Things INCLUDING History in order to Reinforce existing Industrial Fortresses those of  the Ante-Bellum Status Quo. 


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