Monday, December 20, 2021

The Great Desolation

         `Authorial Prerogative` will allow me the Latitude necessary to romancify the Great Depression as the Work of Japanese Gods and the Intemperate Ill-Will of Mother Nature and Mother Earth.    Fiction describes `Factuality` in Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath.  Nowhere on Earth is there to be found a more Mutual Interpenetration of Capitalistic Demonology and American Psycho-Spiritual Desolation.   But here is to be Revealed the ULTIMATE FLAWS in Democracy because of its GENETIC Predisposition to DENY Political Compassion and ADVANCE Slavery Capitalism.   The so-called 'Life Blood' of the People was DISMISSED as Life Blood of AMERICA and in its Place  Corporation-Ism was viewed as Life Blood of a GOVERNMENTAL Capitalism which PROMOTED the Evaporation of Democratic Ideals.   

        Worker/Slaves were deemed EXPENDABLE because of the Very Nature of Machinery which was appropriately considered Useless as it either suffered Wear and Tear or became operational obsolete.   Now, not only were workers  relegated to  "Beast of Burden"  Idolatry, they were now EQUATED with MACHINES and therefore  DENIED   THEIR HUMAN STATUS.

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