Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Great What's-his-name

         Understand that    'Imagination'   MUST be considered  ---> a <---  Source of Originality.  "Necessity is the Mother of Invention" must NOT Dominate The Sphere of Intellectual `Abstractive` Originality  DESPITE its SUPERIOR Application of   'OBVIOUS'    and     'Self-Evident'.   So too Imagination MUST be considered ESSENTIAL to Ingenuity and Inventive-Ness Overall........... .

        You can appreciate 'Imagination' because it was the Founding Drunks' IMAGINATION that generated a Vision for a CONSTANTLY EVOLVING Democracy ---where `Constantly Evolving`  is Code for 

                      --->  The CONSCIOUS `Receptivity` to and for POSITIVE CHANGE  <--- :  

         The Change that would  ADVANCE,  in a Primarily EVOLUTIONARY Manner,, the Everyday Activities of the American Public imbuing upon them the Virtues of  TRADITIONAL, Time PROVEN Warranty, what can and should be considered the AMERICAN ESSENCE OF A FREE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.

        The Great What's-his-name quoted himself, "There should be a Revolution EVERY TWENTY YEARS".

        Sage then, Visionary now.





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