Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Scruts (pronounced Screwts)

               I gotta tell-ya, I have SCREAMED    BLOODY FUCKING MURDER  as I stood GLARING over Marc's Cudgel-ed CORPSE victimized by his SUPERHUMAN Arrogance.  Oh yeah and FUCK OH YEAH.   HOW               I SCREAMED  can-so  Intelligent  a  Man   BEEEEE  so  fucking INSCRUTABLE ?????  Have I no Scruts ??  Have I somehow screwed myself OUT-OF Scruts ???????  Screwed out of Scruts that CANT-BE good.

          Master Fortin's `Clusterfuck Gibberish` HAD to have Originated SOMEWHERE in this fucking Galaxy but WHERE ?   Marc ladens each word with Extra Terrestrial foreboding that DEFIES any essential Screening for Contamination and Infection.  2 words   HOW ????????

          It's like those fucking "Crop Circles"  ----  Marc uses his Language as fucking CROP CIRCLES ~~ I sed it before and I'' say it again =  HOW MANY YEARS DO I GET FOR MANSLAUGHTER.  Marc DESERVED Manslaughter because HE has SLAUGHTERED the Earth English with DIABOLICAL Ignominy and a forensic verbal diarrhea reminiscent of That Guy on the TV Show "The Smothers Brothers" whose Rhetorical (seemingly Alchemical) Orations devolved into Blather and "Kenny" South Park Mumble Jumble.  

          Clearly In order to fathom Marc's Depth I needed Scruts.


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