Saturday, December 11, 2021

Miss Const-rude

        My Devotions to the Ancient AND Imagination must NOT be misconstrued.   The Ancient is PROVEN Foundation of MODERN ConsciousNess, it can be no Other.   I extend a Dual Complexity of Sensation-ridden SUB-Conscious that can find no NATURAL Order that the Socio-Political Reality SHOULD manifest and instead only the CHAOS and TUMULT of a Reality DEVOID of Common Sense.  

        'NewNess` in the guise of Change and Modification, is based upon the Status Quo of FUNDAMENTAL Organization.  'Advances' `scribed` by Technological Innovations should NOT be identified as "Positive" UNTIL they have  SUCCESSFULLY   Survived PAST  --->  Durational Experimentation ---< .  "The Proof is in the Pudding" REMAINS as Street and Gutter Science TRUTH.  Here, Societal IMPATIENCE has altered the Orientation of Governmental Trajectory.  Here, "I want it and I want it NOW" has resulted in nothing less that the REPREHENSIBLE Psychological Deformity of RABID SelfishNess and with it the Ascendancy of garrulous, Anti-Democracy Vitriol.



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