Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Once upon a Crime

 The global degradation of Human Altruism, manifested as Socio-Political ANTI-Democracy, MUST be correctly perceived as a NATURAL OCCURRENCE in the EXACT same way as the current Plague/Pandemic is registered, also,, as a NATURAL OCCURRENCE.  Simply because TIME interferes with Evolution DOESN'T mean that NATURE should be disregarded as Primary Origin.  Even a MODEST review of Plagues and Plague Pandemics situates what can be perceived as a global `CLEANSING` --   hideous as it surely is.  Democracy is NOT Resistant to Evolutionary `Plagues`.  Remember what transpired in Athens during the Life of its Great Historian, Thucycides, AS he recounted the Peloponnesian War.  So too was Rome stricken, and who will fail to recall the ghastly Bubonic Plague ?  

Elsewhere I have `tagged` the recent Demise of Democracy as a POLITICAL Pandemic EQUAL to that of Covid 19 .   What MUST BE 'registered' is that the World, as noted above, has succumbed to The INEVITABLE Three times Before.  Each time, the World has ENDED, in VAST, ALL ENCOMPASSING Dissolution --- leaving behind Monumental Structures of "What once was".  The Empire of America will fare no better.  It cannot.  Such is the Nature of Universal Law.

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