Thursday, December 9, 2021

"Let the peasants eat Fake"

         There appeared to be a Materialism Pinnacle when vast numbers of Americans agreed with,  "The guy who dies with the most toys Wins" ; which was ANATHEMA to those of Modest Means.  "Keeping up with the Joneses" which was duly Recognized as SOMETHING FUCKED UP, was no longer, OBVIOUSLY, regarded for what it truly was, a WARNING, that Individual Fulfillment SHOULDN'T depend upon an ostentatious display of "Conspicuous Consumption", and the FLAUNT of Wealth even if that Wealth was Credit Card manufactured.  Discontent began to register as MAL-Content as `Those With` sought Materialist Celebrity OVER `Those Without`.   The Ancients of the "Great Society" no longer had Control over Industry Altruism, the One whereby the Owners of the Corporations were Willing to SHARE the Profits made from the hands, backs and shoulders of the Commoner Proletariat.  A Neo-GREED and callus DISREGARD for even APPROPRIATE Worker Compensation  characterized a Generation who knew only that APPEARANCE was DEMANDED for Ego Gratification.  

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