Thursday, December 9, 2021

Demon Ocracy

          So it was that "My Country 'tis  OF  Thee" had been transmogrified to "My Country 'tis  FOR ME ".  Kennedy's Platonic Romanicification of Idealized Paradise and Johnson's FAILURE to MAINTAIN the Vision of `Socio-Political Beautification` actually CAUSED a "White-Lash" of EGO-Driven MANIA to establish ITS-Self as National Identity.  America had turned into AmeriKKKa.  Conservatives had successfully entrenched themselves in the Ground of State to State Legislatures and from this Entrenchment were then able to REINFORCE existing Social and Political Structures to bulwark themselves and their beloved Status Quo from any and all Possible Assaults by weakened and hapless Liberals now destitute of Bravery and Courage due to the Fantastic SAVAGERY of Conservative Ferocity.   Destitution then became Dereliction as "Live and Let Live" actually PROMOTED continued Conservative Defilement of what heretofore had been CONSTITUTIONAL Guarantees.   The Values that had characterized Democracy were shredded and pulverized by Conservative "Hammer and Sickle", the Very Same Tools-as-Weapons that had once been brandished by the Proud Proletariat now the Symbols of Stalinist/Trumpist Fascism.  

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