Wednesday, December 22, 2021

"All Rise"

         Let us pray, Heavenly Father and Mother and all Uze kins, we knowd You been fucken us over left then rite, we knowd we dun deserve thy Wrath and Vengeance for have we not allowed SINNERS and BLASPHEMERS to populate YOUR land ?   We dun tried to keep them wicked from attaining Your Grace and Virtue by keepen em chained up as YOUR slaves but they got them a will of their own and they dun kepta multiplyen in such a Mystery that we don't understand.   We dun put YOUR Scurge on all them faggots, queers jews and niggers but they just keepa comen.  We beg Thee to give us MORE of YOUR Divine Hatred that will give us the Power so that weez can rid ourselves of THEIR existence.  We ask this in Your Name for Thy Will be dun.

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