Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Where there's Awake there's a Will

         Recently,,, Putin cocksucker tucker carlson,,, has come under the media microscope of my guy Brian Stelter.   Tucker's propagandal VOMIT has been `slurped up` by trumpian redneck dead-heads as if they been STARVED by democraptic agency.   Carlson's nothing-less-than-ASTONISHING   'SUCK-UP'    has NOT been given NATIONAL Media Attention much to the subversive DELIGHT of conservative Putinists and the unsullied HORROR of DELINQUENT democraptic political opticians i.e., those PAID to Monitor  TREASONOUS Communications and Native Terrorist-Active Extremism. 

        Tucker's Voice MUST  be 'rendered' as Rhetorical Incendiary Device, a Voice that FUELS the Conflagration of Democraptic Norms, Ideals, Values and Mores, burning them to ashes and dust.    Once again the democraps CANNOT "match" this sort of  explosive Vitriol.   What's Worse,,  there is NO Effort to even seek to NEUTRALIZE his incendiary Vomit.   Every broadcast STRENGTHENS conservative, redneck, KKK, Neo Confederate and Neo-Nazi RESOLVE.  

        If only democraps could be Awakened from their lugubrious if not thanatopsic slumber.


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