Friday, December 24, 2021

"Happiness in Strife....."


        I must take the Sword-Pen from one Hand and give it to an Other .   (I have Eight).    I must leave what has Preceded 'Open' but I must appreciate the Presence of an Evangelical Gutter (Gotta) Romanticist who suffers from Delusions of 'Pied Piper-y' and tarries about with Syrup-as-tar Refinery.   I awoke at 2:15 a.m. with the Morning's Proscriptions well in Mind.  Every so often the Future is revealed as IMMEDIATE ACTUALITY, thereby providing no mere Glimpse of "What Lies Ahead" but the actual Panoramic VISTA , in "TechnoColor" no less.   So it is that the Divine Infinite Blesses the "Here and Now" with Beatific Aplomb.   

        The Other Day I  'Received'  Epiphany .  I have always desired to have a Ministry based upon the Zen of St. Mary Magdalene  and  Buddha's Zen Sword and, of course, the Mind Sword of Jesus the Christ.    The Epiphany revealed its Exposure.   




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