Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Trench of Vipers


          I confess........ .  I ran away from Work in order to Empty my brain-Mind.  I will Confess to a FEAR that tries to Excuse ItsSelf as NECESSARY Premonition.  Self Doubt and I are EXCEEDINGLY Intimate.  She's uP there with Alone-li-Ness and together they have the Power of the Twins = = Mother Earth and Mother Nature.   Master Fortin's Work lie as Nest of Serpents, Cobras and Rattle Snakes and the Mother of ALL Anacondas.    Even my Kung Fu, that of Cobra, did NOT lessen the Bite and Poison, I anticipated would be my Demise should I advance Un-Protected into the Trench of Vipers.  

          So, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

          I ran  Away.



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