Thursday, December 31, 2020

It aint real even if it IS Real

 We've all seen that commercial that hawks a HI TECH  MIRROR >> the latest fandangled GIMMICK that is SUPPOSE-TA entice and/or SEDUCE you into Training by having some Fitness NUT holler out Motivational Epithets that PRAISE your Diligence and Commitment.  You can see THROUGH it rite ?


It's as if mite-y joe has one in his bedroom as well.  Thing is, HIS Fitness Holler-Er is that guy in "Adam Sandler uses-hockey-stick-as-putter" You can HEAR that guy swagger "YOU CAN DO IT JOE".  

Remember Kidz  I TOLD you trump HAS that SAME Magic Mirror.  

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

'Where there's Dope, there's Hope'

 If Youze Gize are like me, then you're-gonna HATE what follows.  Cracker Joe is not only the "Face Of The Nation" he is >UNDENIABLY<  OUR 'Collective Face' as well.  He IZ Us, worse, he iz our INDIVIDUAL Us.  Medieval Conceit-as-Construct imposes Cracker Joe as "Universal Everyman".  Modern Psychology concurs.  There is NO WAY 'Out' of this Abstract Prison.  In the SAME WAY that trump is PHYSICAL and MENTAL Composite of ALL our NEGATIVE traits and characteristics, so it is that in Biden can be seen those POSITIVE attributes and Virtues that help define our Psychological Profile.  Here it is where "Hope" can be POSITIVELY Identified as "DELUSION".  Cracker Joe HOPES that he and he PERSONALLY can 'get' MILLIONS UPON BILLIONS Inoculated.  

That's some Hope.

Mirror Mirror of the Gall ...

 Recently Cracker Joe suffered an ankle injury ~~~ apparently he was INNOCENTLY playing with his dog which is GOD spelled sdrawkcab.  I MUST inject a COSMIC 'Interpretation' bc this whole 'Condition' REEKS of Mythological Mystery, which for me, is INSTANTLY Revealing.  Kwikly, Cracker Joe was THROWN OF F  Political  Mt. Olympus bc he had committed "Hubris".  When he landed he 'twisted' or 'turned' his ankle.  He's fortunate he DIDN'T receive a Frac Ture.  So now, there's a  rather disconcerting Olympian Anomaly whereby Cracker Joe's 'injury' CAN-BE Interpreted as SIMILAR, albeit, RELATIVELY, to the Olympian Hephaestus who wuz also TOSSED from the Olympic Heights, himself to endure an almost CRIPPLING catastrophe.  Hephaestus limps.  Indeed, ANY adult male who limps is referred to as a 'Festus' OBVIOUSLY shrt 4 Hephaestus.  In Pop Culture the most recent 'Festus' is "Dr. House" a CREATIVE GENIUS which is DIRECTLY an Attribute if not THE Attribute of Hephaestus .

Don't misunderstand ~~~ Cracker Joe AINT no Creative Genius ---  HIS 'Hubris' was the god-like Claim that he can SAVE America.  Joe is 70 fucking EIGHT.  I'm guessing he can BARELY wipe his own ass after an evacuation.  He SEZ he can do 20 push-ups.  I say  No Way.   


 It's difficult for me to detect any REAL change in "The Face Of The Nation".  I mean, there is SERIOUS 'Change' in that we've gone from a MAGMA Hell Orange to a "Casper the Ghost" Vanilla White.  The Other Day I was INFURIATED to hear Cracker Joe proclaim that HE [and he alone] wuz-gonna "MOVE HEAVEN AND EARTH" in order to secure "Peace On Earth, Good Will Toward ALL".  The so-called "Face Of America" REMAINS That of a debilitated Geriatric possessed of Delusions of Grandeur.  Cracker Joe AINT-GONNA DO SHIT without those 2 Georgia Senate Seats.  EVERYTHING IS DEPENDENT UPON THEM !!!  Cracker Joe should have prefaced his remarks with THAT first.

The "End Times" just won't fucking END

 Elsewhere, I have vehemently insisted that the BIBLICAL "End Times" are upon Us.  Here The Pandemic is Plague, Economic Depression is Pestilence and Famine is Famine.  We have an 'Anti-Christ' ACTIVELY engaged in the DEMOLITION of a Democratic Civilization that the entire World has acknowledge as one time "Heaven On Earth", the so-called "Promised Land" the One of "Milk and Honey".  

I have depicted the Pandemic as causing [a] CATACLYSMAL Division and Separation that is grossly 'Similar' to the Tectonic 'Shift' that DIVIDED and SEPARATED the Continents.  In the Same Way that Brazil isn't-gonna MAGICALLY reunite with AFRICA, American Foundational Jobs AINT-GONNA Magically reunite Worker with Industry.  

When you think, "It just CAN'T 'get any worse' " :  The Concrete of "Gone 4 EVA" CRUSHES Us with near Life Extinction Suffocation.  

It is AS IF Our Nation is experiencing JOB-like Historifaction, meaning, As Job was TESTED, check that, as Job WAS ALLOWED TO BE TESTED, so too WE are being Tested in A Jobian BIBLICAL Sense by none other than a Satan whose manifestation is the Burnt Orange Man From HELL.

Manna as Money

 It's not as if we can pile all the 2020 shit onto a funeral pyre, set it ablaze, and be THANKFUL it's 'over'.  The Absolute LAST 'Thing' is that it's Over.  No and FUCK-no.  Far from 'it'.  Dr. Fauci and Others have warned, with CONTAMINATED 'Dignity' >> "The Worst is yet to come" << .  We're at 35 HUNDRED Deaths per Day, with Infections lining the Hospital Entries from tw o and 3 blocks around, This, AS Ambulances are stacked, one-behind the other, DENIED Entry bc of Covid OVERFLOW.  Aint no Crystal Time Ball gonna drop and ex-PLODE the Pandemic from Earth's Historical Atrocities.  

MILLIONS are experiencing the HORROR of HUNGER .  Folks are sleeping in their cars to gain Advantage for the Distribution of Charity Foods, while MANNA from Governmental 'Heaven' is DENIED Honest and Decent Folks by Genocidal Guardians of THEIR National Plunder.  Remember Kidz  THEY ARE KEEPING OUR MONEY FROM US.   

Atrocity gets it Close, that's about it.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 I'm gonna leave this here.  I'm famished and insanely restless --- plus --- I feel a headache groWING.  

There is a Persistent GNAW I have unseemly de-noted as an Eagle pecking at my Liver.  2 words >> Pathetic.  It's that whole Shit Deal with Romance.  I'm a cravenly stricken old man who Values The Written Word as sometimes Zen Idolatry.  

I gotta tell Ya Kidz---after all these Years I STILL Have "Shit To Prove" but this RADICAL Insistence is BECAUSE Death is so fucking CLOSE.   It aint like I'm a-scared it's that I've got this loadoffuckingSHIT that MUST be dumped if I am to enter Mortal Combat with FREEDOM.  

I DESIRE a Literary Legacy.  In this I-GOTTA Prove by DEMONSTRATION I know and Knew the Absolutes upon which Existence Itself is 'Based'.  Here, and ONLY Here, is the Source of Wisdom the Transmission of Which GUARANTEES Immortality.  I told you Kidz   I'm Greedy.

Rock Steady........Steady as She Goes....


If you are concerned that the Fish manifestations are STRONGLY 'Christian', that, perhaps, I am a 'Christlike' "Fisherman of MEN" --- don't be deceived .  Although I DO admit to being possessed of the so-called "Savior Complex" rest assured that the Unconscious USES that Christ Aspect in order to magNIFY the RELIGIOUS Component of my rite-ing.  I TRY and rite Every Day the very definition of being 'Religiously Disciplined' .  When I don't, the Fish are left to die and decompose.  It's a Cosmic Waste.

Old as I am, I remain CHAINED to the Conceit that my 'work' is NOT 'Beneficial' to Others.  I'm ALWAYS Surprised when I read that Folks have read my shit.  It DUZN'T help that I endure Multiple Personalities who themselves CRAVE Attention and Literary Notoriety---some of these assholes CAN'T rite or they rite for Shit.  There's this One guy who INSISTS that he rite about the steel chisels I've had for 2MILLIONFUCKINGYEARS .      I've had his Blog in Draft for MONTHS.  I mean, WHO GIVES A FUCKING SHIT ABOUT STEEL CHISELS ??????!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's a Problem  HE'S a Problem.

Fields of Seems

 Anytime you have Animals as a Focus of your Dream Material it is understood that they represent your Unconscious---technically your Relation to your Unconscious.   The Ocean Represents your Unconscious > so the fish in its Environment iz your Consciousness.  Most notable among Fish icons is as the Symbol of Christian Identification---in Olden Times Folks had the Icon on their car trunks and/or their bumpers.  There is also the Element of Transmission, the one in which the Fish-As-Symbol MEANS the Spread of Christian Orthodoxy as Christ's Words i.e., the so-called "Teaching".  

In MY dream > the Fish are in the Fields, those very same in which "I get my back in>to my living" ; these Fish have been prepared for cooking, and as such ALMOST 'ready' to be consumed.  I must harvest these Fish and prepared then for 'Transmission'.  The Dream Meaning is fairly straight-forward.  As I toil in the Fields I LOVE I also 'Ryte In A Silent Way' meaning I am ALWAYS cognizant of Blogs and Blogz that 'mysteriously' 'rite themselves' as I reside in the Emptiness of ACTUAL Physicality.  I store these Items as Drafts to be released when Time permits, the "Rainy Days and Monday's" of Karen Carpenter Oblique.  Of course, when it DUZN'T Rain, NOTHING gets Transmitted >>> hence the Not-So-Gentle Reminder .  The Dream indicates a TIME Sensitivity since the Fish are FULLY Available for IMMEDIATE Consumption, once cooked, of course.  


 Damn it !   I ALMOST forgot about the 'fish'.  Just so you know, 'fish' is an "IRREGULAR Plural Noun" --- you need to know that in-case it surfaces during a conversation.  But I digress.....

I've confessed to you Kidz that I've been 'running away' from Duties and Obligations.   I go all "The Who" and "Get my back in>to my Living".  It's Selfish, almost GREEDY even.   I excuse myself bc of the STRESS and STRAIN inflicted upon Us by Environmental Political Pollution.  It's "Self-Serving" I know, BUT..... 

What happens iz, I tell my Self   I WILL rite, ryte or write    IFF all OTHER Business is PROPERLY Comported, meaning, IFF ALL Other Business has been 'Fulfilled'.  It's 'like' when you have a 10 Page Paper DUE >>>  you CAN'T Begin until your Dorm Room is Spic & Span, ALL your laundry is dun, and there's DEATH QUIET in the hallway.  Shit, by the time the Pen is actually in your hand it's chow-time or PLAY time and someone is playing "Chicago" so you GOTTA go and check THAT out !!!!

It's jock shit of course.

Ergonomically Sanctioned Penitence

 I looked out at the Stockade Fence --- the Tarp was in NOWHERE.  I refocused, the deck banister was covered with AT LEAST  >>>>>>>>  8 INCHES. My stomach flipped, my Heart sank.  BOY had I fucked-uP.  I got out the Toro Hand Held Snow Thrower but because the snow was soooooooo menacingly WET, it had the weight of liquid lead, which rendered the Toro Hand Held Snow Thrower fucking USELESS.  I had to shovel. Wet Snow is like wet CONCRETE.  It's GROTESQUELY Heavy.  Plus, as if it COULDN'T "get any worse" - the snow clung to the shovel like an infant clinging to its Mom during Infant and Mother Swim Lessons.  Every time you go to pitch the shovel full you get that back breaking CRACK that leads you of f your feet, because of the TORQUE required for the Pitch.  

Now listen ---  I KNOW "How To Shovel" my Father showed me when I was 7.  It's all knees and steps and Rhythm and Emptiness, but when you're PISSED, when you think you've been ROUGHED-UP USED and ABUSED by your own Mother Nature, well, it AINT time for Ergonomically Sanctioned Penitence ----no and FUCK NO it's time to get DOWN AND DIRTY and MURDER your own Body with EVERY whip and lash of EGREGIOUS MORTIFICATIONAL FURY.   I HAD-TO Punish myself for being so INSANELY Optimistic.  I made myself SUFFER and I Suffered GREATLY.

"When it Rains" It SNOWS

 Recently, I "got caught with my pants down".  A REAL Snowstorm hit Us, one I gave ABSOLUTELY no Credence to ---  I figured we'd get 'dusted' with one or 2 inches, nothing more, I mean, who figures a REAL Storm would VIOLATE Bay Water Insulation ?   When I was  kid, South County Rhode Island NEVER 'got' more than 1 or tw o inches, which inevitably turned to slush, which melted EASILY.  I had ITEMS all over EVERYWHERE.  2 inches, shit, even TH R EE could be managed by broom or brush, and if it's lite & f l u f f y, I could even use the BR 400 to BLO >>>>>>>>>>>>W it awa >>>>>y.  

I still had the mowers outdoors beneath the Tarp, lumber stock uncovered, wheel barrows filled with all that Gravel I HADN'T secured but What The Hell a DUSTING wouldn't AGGRAVATE the Work Areas so....I was shakily optimistic.

Guess what happened.

Go Ahead.


Fishes in the Fields

 At 2:23 a.m. I awoke from a recurring dream.  It was the one where I am in a freshly mowed field, or one about to be mowed, and in this field, along the border, near stone walls and sapling overgrowth, fishes.  You read that rite>>> fishes.  Not just ANY fishes, but fish that have been gutted. I mean, they still have their heads, making them eerily ALIVE, but they have been eviscerated, their entrails nearby, stock for flies.  

In the Few of Days Past, I have cleaned and reorganized my entire CD Collection, relocated mini-Libraries, Volume-d some of Marc's Notes, and gotten Enlightenment on Matters of Urgent Importance, Shit that's been BUGGING me for MONTHS, Like the Downstairs Pantry, a 4 Level Steel Shelf Structure that has REEKED of the MOST EFFECTIVE CHAOS STENCH HUMANLY CONCEIVABLE. 

How do you spell Relief ?  O-R-D-E-R.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


 I call upon my Fellow Americans to maintain Vigilance regarding the Senate's Question for Resource Distribution.  If they leave for Holiday WITHOUT fulfilling the NEEDS of an Impoverished Nation then Biden and his MUST openly DECRY this HORROR as TREASONOUS.  Here it is where RETRIBUTION must be 'divined' as CAUSAL Attribution.  Should they REFUSE Resource Distribution they MUST-BE considered 'ENEMIES OF THE STATE'.  Here it is where their non-action is cruelly Similar to THE ATTACK ON PEARL HARBOR and the 9-11 ATTACK ON U.S. SOIL.  Here it is where WAR must be Declared on rabid trumpian ANIMALS that if not 'put down' MUST be STERILIZED that the American Citizenry be spared the heinous and grotesque Atrocities that these ANIMALS  inflict.

Rock Steady ........Steady as She goes....

...perversional orthodoxy...

 Are we to be MERCIFUL to those that have SLAUGHTERED us with Weapons of MASS Oppression, those of Psychological Warfare, Propaganda, STARVATION and Economic DEPRAVITY ?  I am a Resolute Zen Buddhist whose Ultimate Sanctity is that of Universal Compassion, HOWEVER, there is a Thing referred to as "Merited Karma" which, when viewed obliquely, looks like all the world to be "Tough Love".  There is an Aspect of Geneva Convention Conformity that SHOULD have manifested in trumpican Policy, the Nation's Food Necessity SHOULD have been met with BRUTE FREIGHT FORCE, that's the one where ALL AVAILABLE RESOURCES are IMMEDIATELY Directed to Those In Need, which in this Pandemic Instance is ALMOST THE ENTIRE NATION.  

Instead, trumpians and their army of zombie sycophants have resorted to and relied upon their perversional orthodoxy to IGNORE the DEMANDS of Sustenance "Eat or DIE" NECESSITY by regarding AMERICAN CITIZENS their Humanity and treating them as only THEY can, as NON-ESSENTIAL NUMBERS.  

This THIS is what transpires when ONLY THE "BOTTOM LINE" MATTERS.  

Hope's a Urinal

Goldberg and only a Few Other 'Outspeakers' have correctly identified the trumpicans and their 'allies' for what they truly are, Power 'Mongrels', whose ONLY 'Interest' is that of  "Self-Preservation", that of the Retention of ALL Forms of MANIFESTED Power, Specifically, those of Injurious CRIMINAL Liability, where IN-Human Atrocity is GUARANTOR of repeated Political Abuse.  Goldberg herself, may be considered an Icon of Jewess Intellectual 'Machisma', in that her Reckoning of Present Day republican TREASON does NOT suborn Secessionist Subversion, but rather REVEALS the OBVIOUS Actuality of Autocrat Usurpation.  She is NOT "Alone".

Discontent has NOT reached 'Rabid' Conditionality-------------------------yet.  However, Purveyors of Analytical Historiography INSIST, that there iz, among some, a Sense of almost RELIGIOUS 'ambiguity', where 'ambiguity' BLUNTS the SHEAR of Socio-Economic REALITY, the one in which 'trumpicans' and their 'running dogs' IGNORE National MISERY, STRIFE and SUFFERING and in so doing DENY Precious FOOD, to those that have been INUNDATED by Pandemic FLOOD.

Goldberg and The Others are at a Point of AGGRAVATED Bewilderment because of the ABJECT Refusal by Media Social Commentators, those blunt-skulls, dunces, nitwits and MORONS who singularly REJECT Reality and broadcast instead, the HOPE that Rabies Infected ANIMALS will heal themselves and somehow RETURN to an Idyllic and Bucolic Socio-Political Tranquility.

2 words >>  ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME ??????????????

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

"Play It As It Lays".

 I must leave this "where it lies".  

In the EXACT SAME WAY that Global Historians MISUNDERSTOOD  the Mayan 2012 "End Of Times",  so too they have MISUNDERSTOOD not only Apocalyptic Obvi-ocity but the Present Day "End Of Times" as well.  The World DID undergo a POLITICAL Inundation that began with the "Arab Spring".  Revolution "hit the streets, back alleys and gutters", as   DEMANDS for >> Human << EQUANIMITY .  ANY Demand for "Right to Exist" has EXPLICIT Conjugations for Welfare, SAFETY and Health, ALL of Which should be GUARANTEED as Self Evident Human RIGHTS.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

Blinded by the Fright

How Great would it be to hear mite-y Joe confess, "I'm Scared Folks, I'm just as Scared as You are.  I'm Scared that maybe HALF the Nation will REFUSE the Inoculation and because of them, the Pandemic will CONTINUE its Ravage.  But we fucking KNOW the CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE that Doing NOTHING will generate.  THAT'S  Why We MUST make EVERY CONCERTED EFFORT to reestablish NATIONAL HEALTH as the PRIMARY Goal of these First Several Months.  It ain't like we have a Choice if ALL of us are-gonna 'get out' of this shit, Alive."

"To Quote one of  the Ancients, 'We're gonna try some shit, and if that doesn't work, we're-gonna try                Something Else.' ".

Beatitude Beat Down

 When you place that Biblical Template on mite-y Joe, you CAN'T miss his OBVIOUS Biblical CRIMINALITY .  Yesterday he Miracle-d, "I'm gonna inoculate 100 MILLION in 100 Days".  That's Jesus feeding 100 MILLION with 100 loaves of bread.  The Other Day he Beatitude-d "I'm gonna be the President of EVERYBODY including, Those That Want Me DEAD."  Now that THAT sounds suspiciously like, "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do."  "Savior Complex" or Ego-Manicality ?  Don't misunderstand me, I'm all FOR 'Ego-Maniacality', shit, I LIVE on 'It'.  Indeed my EGO subsumes the Universe, but THAT'S why I got 'Apportioned' to Steward the Galaxy in the First Place.  But THAT'S a blog inundation for another day.

You get my Point.  If Jesus couldn't and/or WOULDN'T "Save" Israel, what chance in HELL does mite-y Joe have trying to 'Save' America ?????

"Welcome to the Jungle"

 I mean, there MAY have been "Good Times In The Land Of Milk And Honey" but maybe there were NOT.  Rome's Status Quo rendered the Promised Land into a seething Cauldron of Hopelessness and Despair.  Allow me to 'leverage' that "Status Quo" by using it to qualify the OPPRESSION of the American Citizenry by American REPUBLICAN 'Authority' an Authority that summarily DISMISSES Democracy as COUNTER to its Trajectory of Usurpation and Corruption.  Here it is where Democracy Itself is to be considered ANATHEMA by republican political Standards.  Here it is where the Rule of the Majority is to be ERADICATED by Socio-Economic Toxins, those of INJUSTICE, INEQUALITY and RACISM .  Here it is where PRIMAL Instinctuality has DOMINATED the very Essence of Civilizational Morals, Mores and Ethics, the ones of Abstract Ideational Purity, routinely expressed as Virtues.  Here it is where Socio-Political PREDATION iz the LAW OF THE LAND, reducing said Land to either Swamp or Jungle or BOTH.  

The Land of Bilk and Hungry

Ya-know Kidz, I THINK I began-to-go South, and I mean DOWNTOWN South, when Obama's Book hit the Streets.  It's title is MAGNIFICENTLY Biblical, not only in CINEMA-"Scope" but in Moses' MEASURE as well.  I DID Warn you Kidz that Obama Psychologically identified himself with Moses, and I myself 'tagged' him as the Black Moses.   Here's the Deal with Moses that I BELIEVE Obama 'missed'.  Moses NEVER MADE IT INTO THE PROMISED LAND.  The Lord our God SMOTE HIM WHERE HE STOOD for an Obedience 'transgression.'  You read that rite.  The Almighty does NOT "Take lightly" to Those that Disobey His Will.  The Whole of the "Promised Land of Milk and Honey" is FRAUGHT this Day with Israeli SACRILEGE as MILLIONS of Palestinians have foreshadowed AMERICAN STARVATION >>>  an APARTHEID Promised Land an American Promised Land of that SAME Blaspheme-ic Feature.  

American Apocalypse

 For some of Us, it's HARD to 'miss' the Biblical 'Amplifications' of the Present Day Plague Pandemic.  CLEARLY We are in the Throes of an Apocalypse Predicted by the Ancients and those of Us who use History as Template in order to garner Prophecy-as-Forecast.  The American Apocalypse is NOT the "End Of Times" Bullshit DRAMA that has been envisioned by Myopic Ill-Rationalisists. No and FUCK NO.  Nor has 'It' been a 'seem'-less Transition from Heavenly Blessing to Satanic Abomination but OH has it been SOOOOOO fucking close.  

"End Times" cartoons the 'Smelt of Human Souls' from the Heat of Hellfire Punishment.  Here it is where the "BIIIGGG Threee" >>> Plague, Pestilence, and Famine <<< ravage not only the POLITICAL "Landscape" but the very Grounds from which the Populace MUST harvest Its Sustenance.   We KNOW the Plague as Covid, Pestilence is Rendered as Economic DISASTER, and Famine is Recorded as 27 MILLION Citizens who DO NOT 'Know' from where their next meal will come.  

How can this 'This' be , since America is SUPPOSE TO BE "The Wealthiest Nation on Earth" ?

"POP goes the weasel"

 I couldn't sleep.  I awoke at 1 a.m. into a headache-driven trance the result, I'm guessing, of a Repression of Universal Order, the one's I "can't get my head 'around' ".  It's the 'Same-Ol' -Same-Ol' ' >>> the Universe sends me Text it is my Duty and Obligation to 'pass along' to You my Gentle Readers thereby satisfying "Absolute Decree".  It's in my 'head' the way a good song seems to 'loop' itself, the Sounds and Words some sort of Psychological Exactum, a 'pounding' being generated in order to 'break through' to Consciousness, where the Message is finally Acknowledged.  Sitting in this 'Here' simply typing this Text, is NOT mere Transcription, something I can do 'mindlessly', but rather it's a 'Something' of Translation Polypody, a 'one such' of Primal Intellectuality where Growth 'spreads out' to cover and obscure the Ground of Pure Rationality.  Of course, it DOESN'T 'help' that I question myself with regard to my own Authenticity to Deliver such Information.  Many times, if not most often, I Fear that Simple Transcription is FAR LESS than Mirror Imaging, but instead some subjective Perversion, the one where MYY Past generates a fucking Interpretation.  Here it is where Professional Lucidity is PROBABLY dis-stink-ly Compromised, a Lucidity that is BENT by a rabid Emotionality, which, of course, produces an OPINION that may or not adhere to Universal Will. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020


 It's WAAAAAAAY the fuck MORE then JUST "Fucked-uP" that we MUST become ADDICTED to Anti-Trumpism.    I've warned you Kidz, the Cosmic Intelligence has a freaking DARK "Sense of Humor".  "God" fancies him or her self a fucking "Stand-uP" Comedian.  Woe is US !


II.  Let the dust settle and the smoke clear.

III.  Take a look around to see where we are.


That should be enough for Now.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

By-Gones to Now Here's

 Elsewhere I've metaphored that Trumpism is CANCER within the American Body Politic.  ALL OF US are familiar with the Medical NECESSITY of excising EVERY LAST MOLECULE of Cancer that the Patient may survive CANCER FREE.  Biden's UNWILLINGNESS to Prosecute trump's Political Criminality "IS LIKE" a Surgeon who REFUSES to wield his Scalpel in order to SAVE his Patient's LIFE !!!!!!  


You can't just "Let bygones be bygones", since, INEVITABLY, these CONFESSED 'Bygones' will resurface with DEMONIC Fury.  Hitlerism DID NOT DIE with Hitler, nor will Trumpism.

John Barleycorn's Sister Hope

 Not only iz "Hope" a PAIN KILLER,  "Hope DENIES 'Access' to the Here and Now.  In this, the Future IZ 'accessed' but by EUPHORIC 'means'.  "Hope" KILLS THE PAIN of one's IMMEDIATE and INMOST Suffering thereby PREVENTING the REALISM of "Just Now".  

Some of You know I am a Drunk.  I've been Sober for 30 years BUT I'M STILL A FUCKING DRUNK.  I KNOW what it means to be a fucking ADDICT.  I also know what it means to ACTIVELY PURSUE SOBRIETY.  No fucking HOPE iz-gonna get you Sober.  Most times you gotta GRIT YOUR FUCKING TEETH AND GUT IT FUCKING OUT.  You gotta WORK at getting Sober >>>> HOPING you get Sober WITHOUT EFFORT results in MASSIVE Recidivism .  

At its Inmost Core "Hope" is a lethally CORROSIVE Agent.  Believe it.


 Every-time you hear the democraps and Biden use the word "Hope" understand that, IN THE PRESENT POLITICAL CONTEXT, "Hope" iz HEROIN.  Psychologically THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE between

                           "Let's Make America Great Again" and  "Let's Hope For A Better Future".  

I've quoted to you Kidz, "I say goddamn, GODDAMN the Pusher Man".  Every-time Joe uses Hope, he's Injecting Propagandal Heroin in to the Veins and Arteries of  the American Body Politic .  

Biden and the craps are fucking ADDICTS.   They are ADDICTED to Hope.  They will do and say ANYTHING to keep their Supply flowing.  

Ego-Maniacal Imbecile-Icism

 Joe's treading the Same Path  as trump.  I refer to it as Ego-Maniacal Imbecile-Icism.  The PRIMARY Trait or Characteristic of the above 'Which' is BLINDNESS.  Joe can't seem to See that BESIDES the OBVIOUS "near PHYSICAL Starvation" of a Population of CATACLYSMIC Financial MISERY is a PHILOSOPHICAL 'Starvation' for JUSTICE.  Specifically,


It appears that Whisper-Wheeze has no stomach for PROSECUTING those of TREASON and SEDITION.  

This Itself iz TREASONOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe ISN'T "Forging Ahead" he's FOLLOWING in trump's footsteps.

"... and now I'm all messed up on the Lord."

 Whisperin' Joe's Romance with HIS PAST, borders on a Political Obstinacy that uses RELIGION as a Logic Based Factuality, something, BY DEFINITION, that can exist ONLY as an Imaginative DELUSION.  With nothing but PERVERSE Insanity, Joe DOESN'T 'want' to be bound to ANY 'Political Cure', a Cure of Socio-Medical PROGRESSION, one of a TREATMENT that uses JUSTICE as REMEDY not only for the Endemic Body Politic but for the National PSYCHE as well; but instead he wishes to 'Forge Ahead' by Ego-Driven Proclamation, the one of the "Don't look back", and "Don't Worry, be Happy", servitudes of an American Fundamentalism which SANCTIONED George Washington's Capitalism, the AMERICAN Capitalism of SLAVERY.  

Joe doesn't want to be a Slave to the Past ---

He wants us to be a Slave to the Future.

Hitler Lives !!!!!

 'Battle Lines' are being drawn.  It is 'as if' there isn't MORE than 'enough shit' in which to Drown.  American Democraps (t > p), led by Biden, are using a Malicious Maudlin-ridden Status Quo Homeopathy that those of us on the Militant Left find Apocalypse-ically Egregious. Wheezing Joe's obstinate Insistence on a "Return to Forever" cadenced by 'Calls to move FORWARD' but ONLY by denying trump's UTTER Destruction of the once heralded 'Norms of Democratic Rule' have such ROMANTIC 'Under-pinnings' I, and Other Social Commentators, have been applying "Don Quioxte" renderings to a MILLION YEAR OLD  Windmill Slayer "Hell-bent" on FORGIVING the Heinous and Rabid SUB-HUMAN Cruelty of a 'president' who has USED the Presidency for HIS Socio-Economic Aggrandizement at the GENOCIDAL Expense of an Entire Nation who CONTINUES to be RAVAGED by Covid Plague, Economic Pestilence, AND  trump's Political Imbecilism manifested as TREASONOUS MALFEASANCE.  

"Forgive and Forget" ???

Cujo in a cage with a twig for a lock.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Past IZ The Future.

 Although Joe's Election and the Arrival of Vaccine has COSMIC HOLYFUCK written all-over it I must urge CAUTION with regard to recognizing Relief as SALVATION.  Joe ain't-gonna Save us, and neither is the Vaccine.  Once we get Healthy we face EVERY FUCKING PROBLEM THERE EVER WAS AND EVERY FUCKING PROBLEM THERE EVER WILL BE.  Here it is where THE PAST IS THE FUTURE.  

Rock steady........Steady as She goes....

Badge of Horror

 Please consider this Paradox >>>  There ain't-gonna be no Future WITHOUT a Future.   Because Joe IZ Joe, the ONLY "Future" he can En-Vision is One in which HIS PAST is Foundation For Actuation --- Meaning >  His VERSION of "The Future" is predicated upon HIS PAST.  In this, Joe is 'calling for' a RETURN of HIS Understanding of Democracy, the One of the Ancients, the One of an AGRARIAN Hospitality, a One where the Country's Numbers tallied in TENS of Millions not HUNDREDS, a One whose FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES were the Result of Age Of Enlightenment Rationality.  

No one is certain Joe has fully ASCERTAINED the Psychic COMPLICATIONS of an Internet Consciousness MagnIFIED by the Unle   ASHED UnConscious RUDIMENTARY Components of  Fear and HATRED which are further AMPLIFIED by the Worship of IGNORANCE and the Advance of SENSATIONALISM as THE Preeminent Aspects of TRIBAL Reality.  Here it is where Truth hasn't just been 'leveraged' OUT of Reality resulting in a "Dark Age", but instead Truth is somehow YET TO EXIST due to a Return to Animalistic Primality, modernized as Cultist Totemism.  

Trump as Witch Doctor.   


 When Joe wheezes, "We need 'to Heal' ", that, he's INTENT upon 'Unifying' America I want to know, EXACTLY, what 'Healing' and 'Unifying' MEANS >>> Specifically EXACTLY 'What' is it that needs Healing and EXACTLY 'How' does he intend to Unify WARRING Factions as the PSYCHIC and MATERIAL manifestations of a Civil War where SURRENDER was NEVER FULLY ACKNOWLEDGED.  HOW is MYTHOLOGICAL Unification to be IDENTIFIED let alone Achieved ??????!   I've tagged Joe as a Modern-Day  Don Quioxte -a Madman- BOUND TO THE PAST, flailing at misery-laden Misanthropes >Windmills<  AS IF he and he alone can RETURN America to a Bliss that is mere Imbecilic FANTASY.  Joe needs MAGA  >>>Make America Gag Again<<< .

"Mark it 'FRAGILLY' ".

What the fuck is The Plan, Stan ???   Joe's gonna 'Do this' and Joe's gonna 'Do that' >>> all I'm askin' is HOW and With What ?   Joe's SUGGESTIONS for his Cabinet Sureties MUST be 'accepted' by REPUBLICANT Senators.  Joe HOPES their Confirmation will be 'ascertained' as Smooth.  There's that Word  "HOPE".  Dame Dunce, Fancy Nancy, HOPED the republicants would 'come to the table' to AT THE VERY LEAST, Consider  a Tit-For-Tat Bargaining PROCESS.  She HOPED they would put PEOPLE First.  She HOPED they would ACKNOWLEDGE the Suffering and ABJECT Misery imposed upon the American Populace not only COSMICALLY by the Plague Pandemic but Administratively by a fucking HEARTLESS and MERCILESSLY CRUEL Governmental CARELESSNESS.

They went on Holiday.


 Suspicious and skeptical that's 'Suskeptical'.  It MAY be that Skepticism >is better than<  Cynicism, I'm sayin' 'maybe' just Maybe.  Suspicion itself is 'low end' Fear, whereas Skepticism is somehow 'laced' with Familiarity-Of-Similar-Circumstances which should NOT be devalued nor under-regarded as Pessimistic Paucity of Faith.  I DO Have Faith, Faith in an American Conscience that relies on HOPE rather than IN-YOUR-FACE Reality Projectionism.  Hope is a Drug.  To HOPE that a 78 year old Geriatric Senilic will Oversee the Repair of an Entire Government whose Internal Structures  have been Atom BOMBED, is an Inner Deception of  Armageddon Proportions which Drugs CANNOT 'overcome' no matter the Quantity nor Quality of Ingestion.    Joe's 'pushin' Hope, I say "Goddamn, GODDAMN the Pusher Man".

"Hail HAIL Freedonia "

 Biden has secured ALL Aspects of the Presidency, i.e., the Popular Vote AND the Electoral College Majority, all that remains is for the EC to confirm the 'Absolute'.  Now what .....

I've reminded Everyone of the Political NECESSITY of Senatorial Majority, to wit, in lieu, and even Ipso Facto, the Upcoming National Trajectory Determine-Er, that DEFINES Presidential Power, that of Democrap MAJORITY Will.  No Senate, No Power >>>> Obama as PROOF.  All manner of Political Purging will NOT benefit a Pres if the Senate remains in trump boot-licker moscow mitch's scurrilous hands.  Some democraps along with Media Dim Wits are ALREADY heralding American "Advancement" to be achieved with REPUBLICANT Assistance, AS IF, trump's departure MEANS an End to trump-Ism and All its Socio-Political Manifestations.  It ain't gonna happen........not now........not eva.   Hitler and Nazi-Ism  is PROOF.  

Monday, November 16, 2020

Tabula Rash-a

 There is an entire "School of Thought" that depicts a Newborn as possessing a Clear, Clean and Unblemished Mind, the so-called Tabula Rasa, and that it, itself, has a Primordial 'Inclination' toward Goodness, and even a Genetic Predisposition for Ever-Lasting Love.  At its absolute BEST it is Romantic Vomit.  At its earthy WORST it is Grotesque Abomination pulsated by Optimists whose World View is sychophantically enmeshed in Planetary Positivity and whose Spiritual Epidermis Crawls under the affliction of Other Dimension Permeation by Demons and Hungry Ghosts.  At its Core, the Universe MAY not be TOTALLY Fucked-uP but it is DEFINITELY Scary.  Trump is PROOF.

I find it ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE for my Gentle Readers to FULLY Appreciate that Civilization is the RESULT of Evolution; that the Mind of Man has EVOLVED;  that it is Higher Order Reasoning that COUNTERS Primal Instinctuality, manifested as The Law of the Jungle and "Every man for himself".  Here it is where INSTINCT generates FEAR which in turn manifests as HATRED.  Do NOT misunderstand, there is NEED for FEAR, Fear STRENGTHENS  the Instinct for Self Preservation.  But there IS a Point at which Higher Order Reasoning MUST be activated if PROGRESS, Peace and Prosperity is to be Achieved, NOT just for a Selectorial Few, but for the ENTIRE Planetary Populace.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

Ryte and Rong

 Prominent Analysts whose Job it is to Scrutinize Political Activity stubbornly INSIST "trump does NOT 'Represent' the American Conscience"  >  that < "he is an ANATHEMA to 'All that is America' ".  Fucking whore-shit. TRUMP IS AMERICA.  Only the foolhardy would regard him as anything less.  This 'View' that ONE 'Man' can and DOES encapsulate an entire Nation is the Basis for this, for lack of a better word, 'Consideration'.  

Clearly, as I have recorded above, HALF the American Nation VALUES   >ALL<    that is contained within trump's Mind and what he actualizes as Political Expediency.  ANY attempt at recognizing Conscious and UN-Conscious Political Activity Must CORRECTLY View MIND as Source and Root of said 'Activity'.  Values, Ethics, Mores and Morals are DERIVATIVES of Mind's 'Socialization', meaning, we are TAUGHT the Differences between "Right and Wrong" in order to establish a Societal NORMALCY within which there is UNIVERSAL Agreement.  

Here it is where TRUE Men know the Differences between "Right and Wrong", whereas the Intellectually and Socially CHALLENGED have either NOT been exposed to UNIVERSAL Standards or who have willfully and MALICIOUSLY chosen to either Ignore and/or CONDEMN them as USELESS in the Day-to-Day Bitterness of Unfair and UNJUST Subjugation by Educated Others.

You can see it rite ?   You'd think that it can't be missed.    

Think again.

The ROAR of the Bungle

 My Intention is not only to Defend my own 'Condition'; but to elevate the Micro to the Macro, check that, to INSIST that the 'Micro' IZ the 'Macro', that, the 'Condition' of ONE Man can be (must be) Psychologically Viewed as the Condition of the Mind and Body Politic of the entire NATION, in Our Instance, America.   

Trump's rise to Superior Political Ascendancy was ROOTED In a SUBJECTIVE Value System, which, in turn, had as ITS foundation, a "Belief System" in which MONEY and WEALTH was enmeshed in FAMILIAL AGGRANDIZEMENT.   HALF the American Nation views trump as 'ONE OF US', and as Such, regard him in the Same Way as a Religious Hero/Benefactor, a One whom They BELIEVE has FINALLY "Risen" to give THEM Political AUTHORITY.  What they 'view' as a TRUE Man, is a One in which Destruction DOMINATES a Psych best described as "CHILDLIKE".  Here it is that UNDER-DEVELOPMENT resulting in a RESTRICTED CONSCIOUSNESS that SUCCESSFULLY not only 'Advanced' but WEAPONIZED  an almost RITUALISTIC and Tribal HATRED of ALL 'Others'.  Here it is where RAW Instinctual Animalism is Tribal Totem, where INHUMAN Cruelty is some mere Aspect of what is perceived as a Natural Condition of Socio-Political Existence.


 'Much' depends upon the Definition of "Success".  What IZ "Success" ?  In America, a 'Successful' man is one who has 'worked for' and Fulfilled the so-called "America Dream" >>> loosely depicted as the Acquisitions of : Wife, Offspring, Home, Car and an 'income stream' that foundations these Acquisitions.  Make no mistake, America is a HIGHLY Advanced Socio-Economic CASTE System, a One in which the 'Measure of a Man' is dependent upon MONETARY Rank.  Not surprisingly, this Measurement begets the Adverse, grossly Subjective Conceit of "Better than", woefully described by, "A rich man is better than a poor man."  Clearly, being rich IZ "better than" being Poor, in that All Life's Necessities have been Acquired and there is NO 'Want'.  

You can readily detect a Problem.  'Material Gain' should NOT be the ONLY 'Measure of Success" and by Derivative Conclusion, that of the 'Measure of a Man'.  Some of Us have askew-ed the Acquisition of Riches because of  a Belief System that Recognizes, "The Love of Money is the Root of ALL Evil", i.e.,  that, Material Gain MAY be the PRIMARY Source of unmitigated Suffering, unrelenting Strife and abject Misery.  Here it is where "Never Enough" 'mushroom clouds' one's Conscience, that, the DESIRE to "Have it all" DEMANDS a Socio-Economic CRUELTY, a One in which "Charity" is viewed NOT a VIRTUE but as a VICE.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Law of Truth

 As an Agent of the Law I MUST turn your Attention to I Corinthians 13,  the one of Shakespeare's Sonnet 116 Apogee.  I humbly BESEECH you to Read the entire Chapter, it's short, don't worry.  It's found in the New Testament.  Here it is you will find "...when I became a man, I gave up my childish ways."  There is only a MODICUM of Philosophical Salvation within this Passage.  The "rub" is that of WHAT and HOW the Definition of 'Man" is conceived   and   its earthly manifestation thereof.  

Specifically, When and HOW  >>EXACTLY<<   does one "...BECOME a Man" ?  

I have a few thoughts.............

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

The Thrones of Empiric Impunity

 The Reason I am even THINKING about A Book of Five Things, Manhood included, is because of the American republican Senate---a 'Body' of supposed conservative 'men' who are devoid of ANY Political 'Virtue'.  I want to Argue that in NO 'Way" do they even MODESTLY represent TRUE Men, the Men of Intellectual Stature, Men of Political Maturity, Men of Scientific Wisdom, Men of Democratic Purity.  I Argue They are  NOT 'Men'.  True Men are Those that would OPPOSE Political Cruelty at EVERY Turn and Twist.  True Men would COMBAT Political Tyranny in order to PROTECT Those of Dire Needs.  Instead, these 'adult children' COWER in the face of Demonic Injustice.  It is as if they Venerate  Shame and Disgrace and WORSHIP Cowardice as VIRTUE.  Here it is where Psychotic Misanthropy registers with them as Devotional Hypocrisy which in turn manifests as Divine Corruption, since they view themselves as earthly demigods.  

True MEN do NOT sanction the Merciless SLAUGHTER of UNARMED and INNOCENT Fellow HUMAN BEINGS.

Yet there they sit as if on Thrones of  Empiric Impunity, seemingly Impervious to the "Slings and Arrows" of TRUE Democratic Righteousness.

Dave Brecia and John Souza

 I mean,,,  there were Problems, I mean,,,THERE ARE ALWAYS PROBLEMS.  Ideational and Philosophical CERTAINTIES sometimes and  IRRITATINGLY   carry with them a SIGNIFICANT Burden of Subjectivity--ESPECIALLY Those of Mystical Naturality.  Since I am BENT toward Cosmic Mystification you can see the Problem.  Proving the Invisible Actualtiy of Inter-Dimension Permeation ISN'T 'uP There' with Intellectual Sure-ity.  I'd need to write a Book on The Zen Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics just to RE-Prove Those found in The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra and of course Gary Zukav's  The Dancing Wu Li Masters.  These Authors were NOT Swordsman, and they Used Quantum Mechanics to PROVE a SCIENTIFIC Rationality for "Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form" and Other such seemingly Incomprehensible Enigmas.  You can read my Problem:  The Translation alone would be DAUNTING, given the Esoteric Nature of even Physics In General.

I was standing on a 'roof' of floor joists with Dave Brecia and John Souza, MASTER  Carpenters and Builders BOTH.  We were laying down plywood sheets.  I made the innocuous statement that I LOVED the Geometry involved what with all the joists as lines, angles and intersections.  The stopped working and stood up.  David said, "There ain't no Geometry up here".  I looked to John, he was shaking his head in agreement.  I was aghast.  I spat, There is nothing BUT Geometry up here.

2 words >>   Silence.

A Book of Five Things

 A looooooooong-long Time Ago. so long, in fact, I can't remember When, I got it into my head that I wuz-gonna write a Book that concerned itself with Manhood.  I figured, that because there wuz no Existing Manual, I could jump-rite-in and provide a one, based upon the so-called Cosmic Principles of "Individuation", most of which [were] already set forth by Dr. Carl Jung and Dr. Joseph Campbell.  My 'slant' would be that of 'Street and Gutter' Occupational Derivatives, those of Industrial Common Sense and Time-PROVEN Reliability.  Zen Master and Ultimate SwordsMan, Miyamoto Musashi insisted that All Trades and Occupations have, as their Mechanical and Philosophical Foundation, the SAME Cosmic Principles that foundation the Study and Practice of the Martial Arts, Swordsmanship specifically.  Since I sometimes Pride myself on Trades 'Familiarity' and since I consider myself an 'Accomplished' Swordsman, I figured 'How hard would that BE ?'

Monday, October 26, 2020

Piss Paw

 I've 'run out of gas'. 

 I NEED to express my RABID Abhorrence of Biden's "Unification".   There has been a TECTONIC Shift that makes ANY Attempt at Unification an Act of Desultory Exasperation.  Those of Us 'On The Street' recognize 'Desultory Exasperation' as "Pissing Into The Wind".  From a Rhetorical Perspective, Biden is better served to use "Heal the Wounds of a Battered and Traumatized  Body Politic", if I may quote myself.  Here it may be that a Healed Body can now host a Healed Mind  i.e., One Body, One Mind which MAY lead to Peace of Mind, Plenitude of Body.  

Remember Kidz  what We're-After-as-a-Nation is HARMONY.  As in ANY Orchestra,  Individual Instruments 'WORK TOGETHER' while maintaining their Individuality.  Each Instrument Vibrates IN CONCERT to generate Tones and Pulsations that ACTUALIZE Resonance. 

What We Share is Our HUMAN Form.

THAT should be Enough.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....


 Even a Casual Observer of History would consider that the Entry Into The 2nd World War was "Unifying" in the Sense of Patriotic DUTY.  GIVEN the FACT of National Pandemic  [Great Depression] Misery   One would consider the GLOBAL Plague Pandemic as Planetary ENEMY and that a War On Covid should be considered, therefore, the THIRD WORLD WAR and as a Result of THAT Delivery One MUST perceive that the EFFECT of The Declaration of War On Covid SHOULD BE the ULTIMATE in Unifying 'Factor-ization'.  We KNOW that THAT is UNDENIABLY Ridiculous.  If Anything THERE IS NO WAR ON COVID.  American Tribalism DOMINATES the National 'Scene' [the National OBSCENE] as even 'Masking' has become a DIVISIONAL "SPEAR".  If Anything, Covid has been PUNISHINGLY Catastrophic in Its Execution of TECTONIC Shift.  If Anything, the Great Divide in America is analogous to the Tectonic Shift that Separated South America from Africa.   There AINT no fuckin' goin' Back.


 I'm hard-pressed to contain my FURY when Joe Biden claims he's-gonna "Unify" Our Country.  I mean, 'It' SOUNDS 'Good'.  But tell me, if you will, exactly HOW is this Unification to be Accomplished given the FACTS of Splinter-ization, Fracture-ation and Fissure-ization ???  One would think we need a "Crack" Head in order to Initiate and Execute the REPAIR of Constitutional and Democratic Institutional 'Machinery' .    I aint buyin' it  >>  not for a nickel, not for a cent.

The following Question both Plagues and Pandemics me >>>>  Do We WANT to be UNIFIED ?????

The Next is no easier >>  What, exactly, is the True Nature of this Unification ?

Where are We to find an Example of National Unification ???   We need not Search the Land in an Expeditionary Crusade.

2 Locations >>   The Great Depression, WW I (maybe) and WW II.

Abject MISERY  and   Patriotic FERVOR.  That I WILL Buy !!!!!


Groucho Marks

 I DID try to 'concert' myself in an Effort to compile said "Shared Commonalities" the so-call colloquial "Common Grounds: and in this Endeavor I tried to locate Taxation as One of the BIGGGEST.  Two words :   Stupit Stupit Stupit.  Even as I trudged half-ass-ed-ly Onward I knew in my Heart that I was "Off the Mark" despite a CORRECT Orientation.  Half-ass goes to Half Heart.  Something was RONG, I was fancifully IGNORING the BLARING TRUTH in order to secure Political [Rhetorical] 'Footing'.  The Filthy Rich, the Squalor Wealthy and CORPORATIONS do NOT "Paid In FULL".  'Taxation', rather, the Payment of Taxation, is only a PARTIAL 'Ground' in that HATRED of Paying Taxes MAY be the True 'Common Ground' of American Americanism.  "A Four Year Old could have figured this out----Go get a Four Year Old bc I can't make "Heads or Tails" of it".   

Slaughter on 5th Avenue

A WAAAAAAAAY   L---AAAAAAAAWNG Time Ago I Theorized that the World Wide Web was a Computerization of Global Consciousness which Foundationaly INCLUDED what my Hero, Dr. Carl Jung, [Man and His Symbols] Issued as the "Collective UN-Conscious".   This "THIS"  was, Most Definitively, an 'Uncovering' of a Global Neural Network that Consisted of Waking CONSCIOUS Activity but that UNLEASHED the so-called COSMIC Activity of the Collective (Universal) UN-CONSCIOUS, the Unconscious from which all UN  and DIS Realities have as their Root and Source.  Here it is that Demons, Monsters and Hell-Beings ABOUND to scare the Living and DEAD Shit both Out and IN to our Outer and In-Most Being.  Here it is where our Individual Selfs are PREY to the Nightmare Brutality of Heinous CRUELTY, the Result of Our Pre-Dawn ANIMALITY that of "Eat or be Eaten".   Here it is where Instinct DOMINATES Mindlessness, that of "I didn't really think about it" and "Who GIVES a fucking shit ?" .  Here it is where Reason and Logic have NO "Gravity" meaning, Unconscious Dream Life, does not nor CAN Not actuate Higher Order Reasoning much less Common Sense Profundity.  Here it is where Technological Evolution did NOT 'Account' for a 'Mainstreaming' of the Sordid Perversion of Instinctual Depravity manifested, OBVIOUSLY Unwittingly, as Political Atrocity.  

We are LIVING the Nightmare.

Dante Damn-Nation

 I've been away from this Blog Desk, which I have termed 'Sandbox', bc it hurts to rite.  In the Ancient of Olden Times I wooda-ben able to discharge two hours of Twitter and then 4 more of Blog.  These days, bc of the Political and Socio-Economic HELLS, Prevailing Conditions have been MONSTROUSLY Prohibitive.  These Conditions have acted as a Removal Force: a One Such that perforates my Will, and so Drains even Cosmic Volition.  I'm weak, so weak.

Yesterday Morning, my Hero, (Journalistic Paradigm), Fareed Zakaria, did a 'bloc' on 'How The Pandemic Has RUINED The News-Print Industry'.  I bemoan such a Loss.  It is my FERVENT Belief that the Loss of Newspapers due to the Ascendancy of Internet Computerization, has Mentally CRIPPLED the American Collective Conscious in such a Way that the so-called 'Shared Commonality' of Newspaper Journalism has been reduced to SECONDARY or even TERTIARY Consideration thereby, as stated above, REducing, or should I say, SP---LI-N-TER-ING  a National Consciousness once Religiously Attuned to "We The People".

Owners of the Newspaper 'Corporations' cite the Plague Pandemic as "Cause" to ELIMINATE the Housing Structures of their Newspapers, FORCING Reporters and Opinionists to work in the sometimes STERILE Isolation of Home Offices & Basements, thereby DENYING the "Sounding Boards' provided by "Like-Minded" and Devoted Colleagues.  

Even my beloved Dante could NOT have Conjured such a Literary Hell.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


 I know I SHOULDN'T rely upon inclement weather to act as incentive and/or motivation to rite-----but I do.  Thing with THAT iz, we're DEAD-C-ENTER in a Drought.  Almost EVERYTHING iz, IN FACT, Near Death >>> the turf, MONTHS AGO, 'browned-out', the ground BAKED into a CRUST.  It's been morbidly DEPRESSING and remains so.  

I also MUST Confess, The Effects of the Political Pandemic, characterized by Racial and Economic INJUSTICE, has BRUTALIZED my Senses to a degree of ABSOLUTE Paralysis.  The Degree of POWERLESSNESS has 'affected' and 'E-ffected' me and draaaaaged me to the Precipice of Sustained HORROR, the One of Despair, De-Rangement and Dis-Solution; the One where Ruthless Cruelty is the Atmos-Fear of Primal Exhaustion.  "I can't breathe"..............................

Rock Steady........steady as She goes....

American Zero

 It 'rained' for half a day yesterday, saturating most of Everything, including the sheet and the other stock I need to complete the Overhang.  Wood gets swoLLEN when it gets wet and SHRinks when it dries, it's Nuisance more than anything else, but if you're gonna fuck-somehing-uP then Fuck it uP ALL THE WAY.  So it must be that Today is OFFICIALLY a "Dry-ing Day".  That's 'why' I'm taking this time to Blog.  

I'm SUPPOSE to be writing a 'Book Report" on Painter and Golenbock's American Nero.  I'm still SEETHING over it's COMPLETE and UTTER LACK of ANY Plutarchian 'Compare and Contrast' Resolution that the title implies.  The remainder of the title => "The History if the Destruction of the Rule of Law, and Why Trump Is the Worst Offender" is not even CLOSE to 'what's inside'.  What's Inside is only a SUMMARY of the Political Occurrences of the Past Four Years, succinctly delivered by GOLENBOCK and NOT Painter, PAINTER being the Feature I most wanted.  It's a History Text Book, DRY as can be.  It's a FOUR-HUNDRED and Seventeen Page 'TRUDGE' of ARDUOUS DRUDGERY WITHOUT even ONE Oasis of Relief, not even ONE > MIRAGE <  of Respite.  

I've clamored, History without Insight is as useless as "Tits on a Bull".  So it is with this Text.

"Funkified and Reeferized"

If you Gize 'follow' me on Twitter you know that I've been 'fuckin' around' trying to complete an EXTREMELY simple 'overhang' on the Shed.  It's ONE sheet of sheeting >4 feet by 5 and a half < --- a Something that YEARS AGO I could have accomplished in  15 SECONDS.  There have been design challenges since I didn't want any walls or supports from the ground and suspending it from the adjacent Maple Tree seemed a "Robinson Caruso" [sic ?] 'Funkification'.   I didn't want to enclose the area because it's gonna serve as a tools' Hang-out, shovels, spades, rakes, picks and sledges ---as well a 'Cover' for "Rubber-Maid" Waste Barrels.  

It's not what you think.

The sheet is 'made out of' what appears to be gluedwoodSHAVINGS that project PLYWOOD Strength but that 'Strength' is none other than sheer and utter Camel Dung.  Indeed, 'sheeting' translates as 'half-assed' Plywood, the one where 'half-ass' MEANS "Make Believe".  Thing iz = it's CHEAP and It will 'do' "In a pinch".  Plus, and EVER-SO-MORE-IMPORTANTLY, I got it for NOTHIN' at the Local Free Pallet Give-away Outpost of which I am a HUGE Fan, and upon which my Company "Palatial Propriety" gets ALL of its Components.  So  --------------there's THAT.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Mayan Cryin'

 I'm ravenous -- I gotta leave this here.

There aint gonna-be no Glorious Rainbow of Optimistic Unicorn Shit.  We are in the Abyss of Dark Age Horror, previously deemed IN-FUCKING-POSSIBLE.  I NEED you Kidz to FULLY Comprehend that THIS IS THE APOCALYPSE  >the War of Evil Versus Good< .  Thing is 'It' is NOT 'Biblical' in Form, rather it is Ancient MAYAN in Nature, meaning Political Structure as SPIRITUAL Manifestation.  This 'THIS' is why trump somehow remains as President, a perversely MYSTICAL 'Spirituality', a "Dark Force" of Evil-Ality, if you will,  that can be cloaked in CHILDLIKE Cognizance as in "Why Grandma, what BIG Teeth you have."   The Mayans BELIEVED 2012 to be THE END OF THE WORLD.  I have argued THEY WERE RIGHT.  It seems as if NO ONE was prepared for the Spiritual FORECLOSURE of Political Democracy since its INVISIBILITY was itself manifested as Governmental Obscuration  Fascism Resulting.  

Rock Steady........steady as She goes....

Urgent Procrastination

 I have spoken with nothing less than abject Despair regarding the unrelenting Sensory Bombardment of trumpian Demagoguery.  His Incessant POUNDING of Lies, Deceit, Deception and Disarray has BEATEN and GROUND our Collective Nerves to RAW and Bleeding to the Point of Critical and now CHRONIC Numbness, Mental EXHAUSTION resulting.  Here it is where Jason Stanley points out a Facet of Fascism that somehow EVADES a Shared Commonality Recognition, it is the NORMALIZING of trump's "World View" a View that is EGO-CENTRIC and DENIES the Scientific TRUTH that he is NOT The Center of The American Universe.  Here it is where the Acceptance of the Other, a hallowed Trait of Democracy, has been Perverted BY DEMOCRACY, to allow his Lies, Deceit, Deception and Disarray to be DISMISSED as "Live and Let Live", the Biblical, "Turn the Other Cheek" and Jesus' Near-Death Abomination, "Father, Forgive them, they know not what they do".  Here it is where democrats still dance and frolic in the meadow of Pleasure and Hospitality, OBLIVIOUS to the Menace and THREAT of Tyrannical OPPRESSION, an INSIDIOUS and obliquely Obscure Oppression, where Misery and Suffering are MAJOR Manifestations of trumpian HOSTILITY , Avarice and ARROGANCE.  Here it is where Medical and Political URGENCY is NOWHERE TO BE BE FOUND among democratic 'leadership' since they would rather enjoin self-serving Holiday and VACATION rather that attend to the CATASTROPHIC Emergencies currently afflicting the American Masses.   Here it is where PANDEMIC, UNEMPLOYMENT, and RACISM are Viewed NOT as IMMEDIATE Nation-Saving NECESSITY but rather as "We'll get to it when we get around to it."

Don-old Duck

 Among the so-called 'Learned' there is an Essential that decries ANY 'Analysis' that invokes Hitlerian Nazi-ism to Metaphor and/or Analagorize Modern Day Political DRAMA.   You Kidz KNOW I have SYSTEMATICALLY 'invoked' said Metaphor and Analogies in many if not MOST of my Considerations by USING said blaspheme-ic allusions in order to IMPOSE a Toynbee-like 'Pattern Recognition'.  'It' has the EVERYDAY COMMON SENSE that ANY First Grader uses on a Routine Basis---  it is this >>  "If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, and if it quacks like a duck then IT MUST BE A DUCK."  Granted, I have taken MORE than a few intellectual and literary adjuncts in order to express OUTRAGE over the FACT of INTENTIONAL OVERLOOK of CLEARLY Pathological Fascism, that of heinous Political Policy as Ferocious CRUELTY.   

The Physics of Fascism

I'm writing this morning because the other day I finished reading Jason Stanley's How Fascism Works the POLITICS of US and THEM.  I had to wait an entire Day in order to assimilate its Information.  If I hadn't waited I would have blasted a suRGE of  Praise, deeming Stanley THE GREATEST ANALYTICAL HISTORIAN OF ALL TIME, a not inclusive representation of the elements of Anthropology and Ethnography also employed to Describe and Explain  "Modern Day' Fascism.  

I must warn you, I found Affirmation and VERIFICATION of my own industrial labors, plus, he Writes in Professorial Dissertation that is both Profound and, believe it or don't, Soothing.  I have written elsewhere that the recording of History can be boringly defaulted by simple Description, the "This happened, then this..." does NOT aid in Understanding, since 'it' can effect or affect Emotion and NOT invoke a careful Consideration or Study.  The Greatest Historians provide INSIGHT which then become TOOLS of Investigation, Pattern Recognition and Conclusitory EVIDENCE >> the application of which can Bore Into and/or Pry OPEN the Day-to-Day Propagandal Exigencies of Lies, Deceit, Distortion and Disarray, CHAOS and Confusion resulting.  

Stanley not only 'gives' us Eyes to See, he provides the ways and means of INSIGHT.


I must beg for forgiveness.  I have not be True to a Promise of Description, Explanation and Insight.  My writing shouldn't shouldn't be  dependent upon foul and/or inclement weather but I confess, it IZ.  I've been waiting for a 'Rainy Day' to record, subjectively, the Con-Currency of Events that are nothing short of incessant Sensory Bombardments delivered by an American Administration whose 'leader' is a Hitlerian Putinist of the King-ly Order.  I have tried to 'keep uP' my End of a Bargain by my Twitter Account >>>  it has been doggedly GRUELING to do so since to record the Events of the Bombardment is to experience the malignant CRUELTY of most Heinous Intellection, if Propagandal Oration as Presidential Rhetoric can be deemed as 'Intellectual'.  Clearly it CANNOT, since trump and his have 'Weaponized'  Moronic IMBECILITY, in order to maintain a Power Base of Red Neck and Wealthy Elite who have NO 'Interest' in Political Policy but rather view trump as THEIR Weapon, a Weapon to be used as Lash or Whip upon the Backs of REASONABLE Americans, those of Patriotic Compassion, the One whose 'Voice' has broadcasted Protest, Discontent and HORROR, at trump and his administration's Ethical and MORAL Abandonment of their Obliged and Dutiful CONSTITUTIONAL Fealty.  I have been gun-shy about immersing my self in trump's Filth and Squalor and chosen instead to allow myself the Luxury of Simplicity, a Beauty that is both Lavish and HEALING.  

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Minority Retort

 Reports are surfacing that are verifying a Conceit I raised during 'Some Time Ago', that being the URGENCY of Recognizing the ABSOLUTE NEED to inflict SLAUGHTER upon trump and his.  The Electoral College GUARANTEES republican VICTORY should the Neutral States turn toward or lean on trump's Bolshevik Extensions.  This Not-an-Election will Gettysburg IN TRUMP'S FAVOR if   'IT'  is "Close".   In recent years the rats have SWAMPED the Popular Vote only to SINK in Electoral College DEFEAT.  Here it is where Democracy's FLAW is itself GUARANTOR of  MINORITY RULE, the Very OPPOSITE of Democracy's Design INTENTION.   

Joey as "Soft-Spoken" 'Gentleman Pokey' is a Persona UNSUITED for the War that currently RAGES..  I personally do NOT see Joey as a Bad Ass Predator KILLER.  That DOESN'T imply he can't be MEAN and Nasty ---it MEANS that he MUST  surround himself with BAD-ASSES who CAN fight like DEMONS in a Bar(r)Room Brawl.  Joey MUST marshal Troops, Cadres and  Contingents in order to WEAPONIZE Political Compassion that which SHOULD be THE Prevailing Ideology of Enlightened Democracy.   

Joey's gotta situate Intellectual WARRIORS as his Cabinet Members NOW !!!!!  Show The Masses that HE is FULLY Capable of ATTRACTING War Ready and Combat PROVEN Veterans whose Abject Virtue CANNOT be Challenged.  

I gotta go.  I've been at this since 1.

Rock steady........Steady as She goes....


 The rats INSIST on labeling this Election as a "Fight" for the "Soul" of America > perhaps thinking that Folks will view Biden as some sort of WHITE "Soul Man".   Was it "Sam and Dave" who duet-ed 
"I'm A Soul Man" > "Yes I am".  Joe is so WHITE he makes "Casper the Friendly Ghost" BLUSH.  That ain't necessarily BAD, but it sure in Hell don't make Joe a BAD ASS.  But I digress............ .

This ain't gonna-be no Election nor should it be designated a "Fight".  Here's one from Bro' Phlip :

"You wanna Fight ?  Then stick your head up my ass and FIGHT for air."  

What this IZ is, "The War  Of  The Worlds".  'It' En-FURY-ates me that Joey and the Rats ROMANTICIZE the War of the Worlds as a "Fight" between the Lords of the Light and the Dark Forces of the Dark.  That's the BEST they can do >>>>  The Dark Forces of the Dark.  HUGE "Points OFF" for redundant Redundancy what I will label > Re-dumb-dancy >>>  could be re-Dunce-ity too.  I'm jus' sayin'.  Romance can FUCK you and most often NOT in  "The Good Way"  neither.  

Joey's World is that of Democracy-as-Dream <  > trump's is that of Cruelty-as-Reality.  Joey can TRY to "Weaponize" Hope but Hope is NO MATCH for the Barrbed Wire REALITY of Excruciation so magnificently wielded by trump and his AG.   ["Barrb-ed Wire" -- get it ?]  

Where Truth IMPLIES Risk, Lies indicate CONCRETE.  It's Thinking versus Feeling >>> Reasoning versus Sensation >>>  It's UN-healthy to eat "Ding Dongs" for b-fast.  Know what I LOVE to eat for b-fast ???  Yup !!!

One Other :   trump has CHARISMA Joey DOESN'T.   It ain't like Joey is MACHO either.  

Trump has RUSSIA >>>>>  Joey has Harris.    

"Let's lick VD."

Somewhere during 'A While Ago'  I wrote a Piece expressing Fear that trump would INDEED Benefit from a 'Rigged' Election, seeing-how HE and HIS (including putin's Cyber Army) would 'Rig' the Election and/or Election Results THEMSELVES.  Who (the fuck) could EVA Imagine that trump would be capable of fucking with the United States Postal Service in such a grotesquely DIABOLICAL Fashion ?   I sure didn't, I don't believe ANYONE Did or COULD !!!  The WORST Combat Atrocity is to UNDERVALUE your Opponent's "Condition" to BELIEVE he or she is INCAPABLE of Sordid Ruthlessness and Intellectual Debauchery, Manifest CRUELTY resulting.  The (democ)-rats stubborn Insistence that trump is moronically Imbecilic, Senile, Addled and Delusionally Demented has generated NEW Levels of Political Toxicity that has exacerbated an already unstable Ideological Platform.   I have warned,

Using Biden to combat trump is the same as using Covin to neutralize Covin.

You can see that, rite ?


 When my confidence Evaporated, 'FEAR' filled the Void.  GENERALLY, I see but tw o 'kinds' of Fear. Primal (Instinctual) and Psychological (that born of Modern Consciousness).  The Kung Fu Master Taught, "Fear is the Body's Wisdom that it is Weak".  Conversely, Bravery is the Body's Wisdom that it is Strong.  Either way, as you can read, somehow, in some Fucked-uP Paradox,   'Fear'   is 'connected' to Wisdom.          Somebody shoot me >>>>>> Please.

These days, as in Yesterday, I found myself reeling from Fear, the Fear that the Future will be a Continuation of trumpian Dark Ages, the one of Stalinist Oppression and Slaughter, thinly cloaked as Lenin Communism.  Here it is where Global Pandemic has become trump's PLAN-DEMIC, a One in which he Publicly REFUSES to 'Recognize' the Deaths exacted by the Plague Pandemic and, as if that were not Heinous Enough, Consciously Weaponizes IT to 'cull' the Black and Spanish-speaking 'Herd', Those that are HUGELY Susceptible to Covin Mercilessness.  ALL of us True American Citizens KNOW that if White Folks were as Threatened as American Blacks and American Spanish-Speakers HELL ITSELF would NOT Obstruct Every and ALL Medical and Scientific FERVOR to find the Vaccine and Therapeutics Necessary to Contain and CONTROL Covid-19.   Look around, anybody see THAT ??????? !


 There was a Point this Summer, when ALL my confidence somehow Evap--or---a----te-------_.  I couldn't 'See', I couldn't think, and "Don't Know" appeared as Demon Anxiety.  Go figure on THAT.  'It' was especially punishing because I had such ENORMOUS Success with Moving Tons in order to realign The Dragon's (Gypsy) Spine.  I even allowed myself some Elation while making ALMOST Every Effort to deflect Ego and remain Gratuitously Humble >>>>  I told David I would Devote this Summer to his Wife and her Battle with Lung Cancer.  This Battle was as Suffocating as the Summer Blistering and Humidity Bake.  Weakness permeates 'Being' and causes almost a paralytic Debilitation.  I hated myself for being Weak.  Still, if I wanted ANYTHING It all began with Moving Rock.  It's difficult to keep from writing, "Some Movement is Progress", because so it is with Failure.   Since there is ALWAYS Risk of Failure, Movement Sdrawkcab  ISN'T Progress, where Progress is Moving FORWARD into POSITIVE Construction.  

Sometimes Planning does NOT meet Universal Standards, where Universal Standards RELIES upon "X-the-Unknown".  I thought about Moving Brahma for DAYS until I finally got the 'balls' to RISK Failure.   I had to resign myself to an X-the-Unknown Outcome, that's the one where DESPITE the use of the tw o Tanakas, and TH R EE Come-Alongs, my inability to consider every and ALL 'Possibilities' would result in an EIGHT-TON  FLOP.   There would be nothing to do except spend one or tw o DAYS jacking Brahma to Upright.  

Here now "Great Risk, Great Reward".  All you gotta have is NERVE and 'BALLS'.  

It made me sick to my stomach, I must confess.


 I awoke at 1, into full Consciousness.  I relieved myself then opened the deck door and got splattered by cotton-candy fog so thick I couldn't breathe or even swallow.  

The Universe has 'sent' me some stuff of which Dreams and Wishes are contrived, devised and sought.  WHY this is so is as perplexing as it is vexing.  From the LARGEST to the smallest, I THINK I'm getting rewarded for Cosmic Efforts----- ______ .   You know how sometimes you want the Universe to "Send" a "Signal" ?  Some Thing that Identifies your Struggle as Righteous & Worthy of Celestial Being Contact  ?        Well........

You'd think, at least you WANT to think, that Super-Natural Gifts from Super-Natural Beings provide a Divine Affirmation >>>... ,  that what you've planned and executed is in Accordance with Cosmic Principles.  Isn't that the Whole Thing and Nothing BUT the Whole Thing ???  To be in Harmony with Universal Vibrations ?  I mean, you'd think.  

I have expressed Guilt about running away from my Duties and Obligations, to seek Solace and Sanctuary in the Rock Moving Samadhi of INFINITELY Right Here and Just NOW.   I KNOW I 'need' the INTIMATE Proximity of Vast Emptiness in order to free my mind and make it Receptive to Earthly Forces, those Forces which reveal Solutions to Universal Suffering.  Yet, still I feel Shame.  

Saturday, August 29, 2020

" Absalom, Absalom ! "

In his Absalom, Absalom !, my Hero, William Faulkner, described, in Painful Detail, the Slave Owners FANATICAL Obsession to 'Recover' a Runaway Slave, a MAN without whom he could NOT 'Function'.  Such Fanaticism for Recovery is NOT Indicative of OTHER Slave Owners, who in their Blind and VICIOUS Cruelty, sought only the DEATH of ANY Slave who dared to try Escape.   Here it is that I drew from THESE, my Modern Day Depiction of AMERICAN BLACK CITIZENS as Faulknerian 'Slaves', Desperates seeking only their CONSTITUTIONAL and Declaration of Independence RIGHTS, to Live FREE and UN-OPPRESSED, but who are 'Considered' RUNAWAY SLAVES by cops and local RACISTS, to be Mercilessly GUNNED DOWN in a  Display of UNTOLD Human ATROCITY, in order that the AMERICAN APARTHEID can be MAINTAINED by the White Supremacist Status Quo. 

"It's all about the Benjamins"

The Best Line I heard yesterday came from an American Black Chick who co-hosts a Social Commentary Program disguised as 'Sports Talk'.   She indulged, "How great is it that the NBA isn't playing because of Covid, but because of Racism."  I echo the lyrics of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young >>  "It's been a long time comin' --  Such a long, Long time." <<

Some of You may recall my efforts to Metaphor the American 'Work-a-Day' Financial System as American Plantationism >>>  that's the one where Capitalism is defined by Systemic (Industrialized) Slavery, whereby Business or Industry OWNERSHIP Reflects Medieval Feudalism, that of Lord and Manor and It's Dominion over Serfdom, the Plight of a Human Existence DEPENDENT upon Lord and Manor 'Protection'.  I took Pains to regard and express one Aspect of the Black Army as Athlete Royalty, that of Professional Sportists, and the Black Army's Dominion over THAT "Aspect" of American Plantationism.  You may recall that I complained with Bitterness and Vehemence that the
Athlete Royalty showed NO 'Interest' in Establishing an Outreach Program within their own "Challenged" Communities, to Raise the Standard of Living by supporting Business and Education GROWTH.  It's a Condition that BEGS for 'Attention', since MANY of Professional Athletes are fucking MILLIONAIRES.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Sore Horses Or The Gospels of Gypsy and Brahma

I gotta get outdoors.  Today is "Saw Horses" Day, I'm gonna fabricate 53 THOUSAND saw whore-sez with just FIFTEEN Pieces of Wood.  I know rite ??????

They say, "It can't be done". 
I'm gonna  TRY   anyway.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

Brahma Dharma

ALL of Us KNOW >  you NEVER want to get to "Uh Oh, NOW What ?"  I was fucking LIVING 'there'.  That Contamination was S----P---R---E---A---D---I---N---G to every Function of my Creative Existence and MANIFESTED as a(n) hysterical LOSS of my "Sense of Humor".  That's Why 'skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidding' Brahma was SSSSSSOOOO IMPORTANT >>>>  There WOULDN'T be ONE GODDAMN THING "Funny" about losing an Entire Day bc of Poor Planning> the Result of DIS-Imagination, the one where Subjectivity and FEAR Dominate Mechanical Objectivity, that of the Physics of Inertia.  If Brahma 'flooped' either backwards Or forwards I would lose a day just to fend off Ritual SUICIDE, Seppuku, just on-accounta I wuz TOOO FUCKING STUPIT !!!!

M>o>o>o>o>o>v>i>n>g   EIGHT TONS   was insanely AMBITIOUS. 


The Silence of DIS-QUIET

The Reason I'm writing this morning >>  that I CAN 'write' <<<   is bc Brahma provided 'Muse' Insight, meaning, reflecting on her 'Situation', i.e., her Position, FORCED me to desire SOLUTION.  The Problem was my own lack of Confidence, indeed, for the past several weeks, since I suspended work on 'Gypsy', I've been wallowing in the filth and squalor of DIS-Confidence, that's the One where despite having ALL the 'Tools' AND the Industry MIGHT, I couldn't seem to  "see my way through" to an End Result that SATISFIED not only the Obliged 'Industry Standard' but the Artistic Quality of Temple 'Expediency' the Expediency of COMMON SENSE, that of The RAW and ABSOLUTE Beauty of Sheer SIMPLICITY.   Knowing Shit DOESN'T MEAN you KNOW Shit.  Sitting, just Sitting, was filling me with the SILENCE of DIS-Quiet.  It made me sick and ravaged me with 'Heat Headaches' and Diarrhea.  I shit you not. 

Design Fornication

In the days that preceded Brahma's Challenge I worked at removing Site-Line Obstructions, I wanted to free THAT 'uP' so she could be appreciated from the Road.  What that involved was moving several Dinosaur 'eggs', round-like (oblate spheroid) rocks that had as their feature NO 'Identity'.  No Identity MEANS No 'Personality', consequently, without Personality, they needed to be re-located so that their Identity could at least 'attract' 'Function'.   Technically, these rocks had to be fucking GONE.

It aint like I cooda taken my "Quarry Buster" and PULVERIZED those Other-fuckers neither.  Oddly,
when you try and impact rock their SIZE,
 the hammer B     U     C     S
                         O     N     E      and in so doing delivers an

UN-NERVING Vibration throughout your Body.  It's UN-Settling.

No, these Other-fuckers had to be MOOOOVED, Skiiiiiided or Draaaaaaaaged to Another Location.

THAT was a Whole New World of Design Fornication.  Design Fornication is when your Items for Relocation FUCK YOU.

Sk-iiiiiiiiiii-----ding the Other Day I was sitting beside 'Brahma' my 8 ton 'Golden Girl" with Alien 'words' 'quartz-ed' on her flank.  I had Other Rocks on my left --so I was sorta in an 'open air' Cave.  My mind was Empty so it was residing in a qualified Eternity.  Understand that I was making no effort to enter ANY Kind or Sort of Samadhi, rather, I was simply enjoying an internal Dynamic of Energy, something of a Quasi Electro-Magnetic Suspension that freed my mind by enmeshing it in Stone Solidity of Quantum Mechanical Exigency.  Out of this Infinitely VAAAAAAAAAST Emptiness
I heard Brahma's Voice, "I need to slide down to where you are."  It most DEFINITELY caught be 'off guard'-- I looked around to see where I was EXACTLY >>> about a foot be
                                                                                                                                low her grade
in a clearing that was giving me Design Daymares.  'It' made sense.  Brahma's S-I-Z-E was pinching
the Access behind her, limiting tool and rock transport and choking off landscape wagon 'travel'.  Plus, there was a GIANT Bittersweet Mother STUMP that was generating UNTOLD  Suffering with her MILLION-ZILLION Tentacles of  EXCRUCIATION.   If I moved Brahma I could end the Suffering, Clear the Gantry Road, and Solve the Design Issue that pandemic PLAGUED Me.

Thing is>>>>  Brahma was BIG !!!  About EIGHT TONS BIG,  and she was Narrow and I did NOT know if she was 'Free Standing' bc she was kissing another boulder.  But her Voice was INFINITELY 'seductive', in a MAN CHALLENGE Condition, and, if I was so fucking SMOT, this Challenge could PROVE It.

So >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I wondered.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

"If it was up your ass you'd know it."

I could Write a Book titled, "The One Liners of Phil Demers".  Pertinent to today's Consideration is this one, "You gotta go with what you got."  In this case it's Status Quo Joe nick-named 'Token' > the White Guy in an OCEAN of American Color Diversity.  He's "What we got" but NOT 'All We have'. 

I'm no Fan of sending a Flower Laden Hippie Has Been onto the Trope Battlefield of Diabolical Despotism, yet, it is a CERTAINTY, that This is EXACTLY what We are gonna-do.   OBVIOUSLY he MUST NOT enter ALONE.   It is incumbent upon him to marshal an ARMY of FEROCITY if he is "lay to waste" trump and his Hitlerian Putinism.   Status Quo Joe MUST attract Commanders with
The Street and Gutter Savagery EQUAL to that of trump and his MENTAL MINIONS.   As ALWAYS, "Half Measures will avail us NOTHING."

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

Killer Kawalski

Evidence of Status Quo Corruption in the DNC was their 'Interest' in 'handing over' the Podium to REPUBLICANS .   The DNC incurred the Wrath of  Progressives and those of my ilk, Militant Idealists in so doing.    Progressives were fucking APOPLECTIC bc their 'Socialist Trajectory' was REJECTED by Capitalism Loving Status Quo-ers.  My Girl, The Conquista (AOC) was give BARELY one-fucking MINUTE to Advance the Presidency of my Guy, The Sand Man, Bernard Sanders. 

Here's the deal with THAT.

Status Quo Joe is SOFT compared to the RAGING FEROCITY of  "The Burn Man" Sanders.

If it's  >>  Hippie  Versus   "Killer Kawalski"  in a AWE 'Grudge Match' I'm gonna lay my bucks on

Hard SPLATS Soft.   "It is what it is."

"The Secret Is The Sublime"

Biden preaches he's gonna  "Fight for the Soul of America.'  Stirring words.  But just what Exactly, IZ this so-called "Soul of America" ?   According to Obama 'it' IZ Democracy >>>  Democracy IZ the Soul of America >>>  but is It the BFD he proclaims ?  As a Reverential CYNIC  I Doubt it.  Democracy elected Trump, the First Fully Despotic and RACIST President.  I'm hard-pressed to BELIEVE that Democracy iz-gonna SAVE Democracy.  Elsewhere I've argued that when you substitute Democracy with Capitalism a MUCH Clearer Vision is achieved.  The Soul of America then becomes, "I'm Fighting for Capitalism".  Here it is where Capitalism IZ the Status Quo.  In THIS 'Sense' Token Joe is Fighting for the Status Quo that 'brought about' Despot trump IN THE FIRST PLACE.  >> !!! <<   Elsewhere (again) I've argued that the Republicans USE the Status Quo as FORTRESS/SANCTUARY  they have NO "Interest" in issuing forth from their Fortress WHATSOEVER .  Why should they ?  Their Fortress, the Status Quo is their UTOPIA.  When you follow my Reasoning you can "Connect the dots" to reveal >>>  Token Joe is Fighting to MAINTAIN the REPUBLICAN Fortress. 

"The Secret Is The Sublime".

Death Heads

When the Outside is "CLOSED" there is no place to turn except 'Inside'.  Day to Day Existence, the Plague's DEMAND for STRICT Isolation has been 'met' with Condemnation, Consternation and ABJECT Rejection.  Blah-blah-blah "Man is a HERD Animal" >>>  I get it.  Thing is, the Infection is S------P-----R------E------A-------D by Social 'Intimacy' so ANY 'Herd' 'Activity' can be the Source Point of Outbreak, Contamination, Contract and perhaps DEATH.  You'd think, and certainly, you'd want to Believe, that Americans would BAND TOGETHER and HEED the Warnings, and Proscriptions of Medical AUTHORITIES in order to MINIMIZE Hardship, Suffering, Grief and Sorrow.  Instead, look at what has beset Us >  Pandemic as WAR !!!   It's the Masked Versus the Dead Heads, those that scoff at Death and view Science as an "Intellectual Dead-End". 

Even on College Campuses throughout the Nation, Plague Pandemic is Ignored and Social Intimacy FAVORED largely because of Primal Instinctuality beautifully iconized by the Bible's "Go ye forth, and MMUULLTTIIPPLLYY". 

There are BUGS of the same 'bent'.  They live for 20 seconds, fuck, then die.

Ain't Nature Beauteeful ?

Un-Plug ged

I haven't written in a couple of weeks because I was unable to devise a schema for what I consider to be END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT Consideration.  Indeed, I have NO 'Business' in the Affairs of Others, yet the Plague Pandemic, rather, the Plague's 'Imposition' DEMANDS some sort of 'Review' that can lend a Perspective on the Psychology of Dark Ages Confinement.   There is ULTIMATE Safety in Isolation, yet Americans, NORMAL Americans, are "chomping at the bit" to be released into a 'What Once Was' Normality, a One that will NEVER Re-Exist, due to Pandemic 'Conditions' and Trumpian Politics if 'Politics' is the Right notation. 

Trump has Weaponized the Pandemic  >>  thereby unplugging Miss America from Life Support.
America is Dead
So too Democracy.

All that remains is for US to Save Ourselves. 

No Place For Old Men

I awoke from one of my 'Uh oh, I'm back at college' Dreams.  I've been locked into these > 'Return to the Land of the Cost' < dreams for quite some time, indeed, they are common among Alumni everywhere.  This morning's Dream was peculiar in that its ending had me standing at my own dorm "locked-out".  The 'body' of the Dream was 'Same ol'-same ol' ', I've forgotten my schedule and I'm desperately trying to make my way to the Scheduling Office so that I can get my personal itinerary updated and secured.

I want to make certain that within these Dreams my Residence is among the Students, no place for an old man, in his Forties.  For whatever Reason I am determined to make my Stand among the Young.  In this morning's Dream I am confronted by a pissed-off Student who confronts me for being an "Other".  Keep in mind that, although I am a Student, I am NOT without ALL of my Martial Arts >>> I stand my Ground, toe-to-toe, and summarily dismiss him.

Here's the deal, earlier in the Dream I look in the mirror, My beard had the wisp and feathers of Chinese Sage, the SUPER Old Gize, and the 'look' is absolutely PUNISHING.  The Student had EVERY 'Right' to tell me I was RONG to be on HIS Campus.  Still, I have Unfinished Business on HIS Campus, such is the Nature of my Unconscious Desires.

Sunday, August 9, 2020


By NOT "Declaring" "War" on the Plague Pandemic trump HAS "Declared War" on America.

You GOTTA Let that "Sink In".

Trump has adamantly REFUSED to Invoke an Aspect of the War Powers Act that allows him to Mandate, in the Name of the American Peoples, INDUSTRY Production of ALL Wartime Provisions, those of Medical AND Economic Consideration.  He is CONTENT with the THOUSAND Deaths per Day of AMERICAN CITIZENS he views as OTHERS.  He is sending CHILDREN to the gas chambers of local Classrooms, >>>> lambs to SLAUGHTER <<<<  !!!!

   Is this not the ATROCITY of HITLER ????????? 

Consider .

Deja Voo-Doo

A few Governors have 'banded' together to Function as an Acquisition Conglomerate that they may, as a Force, secure NEEDED Medical Refineries.  Trump's "Every Man and Woman for him or her Self" has resulted in, what I consider, a Colonizing Effect, meaning, the Govs are 'acting' like the First American Colonies, i.e., SOLIDIFYING Efforts to Initiate and STABILIZE "Goods" Procurement.  Is this not "Deja-Vu" "all over again" ???? 

Elsewhere I have made attempts to suggest (impose) that trump IZ King George.  Here's where "History" enters as  Revelatory EXPERIENCE !!!!  And WOULD that it t'were so Simple.  In the Speed of Modern Ancient-Ness, Neo-American 'Colonies' are being defined by their Address to Pandemic.

In the RICHEST Emulsion of American DIFFUSION America is being 'Torn Asunder' by a Godless King George whose most RECENT Manifestation is that of SOUTHERN SECESSIONARY DEFIANCE. 

It's the American Revolution AND the American Civil War AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME !!!!

Hippie-ist Marxist-Leninists got it rong.  The Revolution WILL BE TELEVISED !!!!

Rock Pockets

For Stupidity Reasons, I've had to forego Rock Moving Work.  There are knots of Rock Pockets that have stymied Intelligent Design.  Trust me here Kidz---I WANT "to be smot" but it just aint happenin' NOW.  It troubles me. 

So Yesterday I focused on the Garden of Stephen.  I had to empty the Compost Container, a 50 gallon THUG of liquefied and PUTRID-FIED Kitchen Waste and Table Craps.  I shoveled it into a wheelbarrow and then into trenches and holes so that it could decompose with Fecund Magic.  Garbage and I are INTIMATE Friends.  Pigs LOVE fresh Garbage and so do I.  I mean, the STENCH was VOLUMINOUS  yet I REVELED in Its Majesty.  I'm sick ---SICK I tell you.

It's that Garbage and I have HISTORY.  Garbage was my Life >>>  It paid for Sword, Most of It Anyway ----So----there's THAT  /\ .

The 'thing' ISN'T the Garbage, it's the HISTORY.  One View has HISTORY 'making' what I  am today.  My HISTORY (somehow) was RESPONSIBLE for my Farming DESIRE for Fertilizer.
There is the Cosmic Round---the so-called Cycle of Existence, where Shit begins as shit but 'ends-up' as DELICIOUS Vegetables>>>>> The FUEL of  LIFE.

I LOVE writing >>>>Eating fresh vegetables is eating fresh GARBAGE <<<<<  .

I crap my self uP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Rule of Cruel

I awoke at 1 a.m. writing blogs, not these 'particular' blogs, but others dealing with 3 Aspects of Human Fate.  The "Fates of Humankind" have been 'chronicled' by some of the Best Thinkers Humankind has to offer.  Oddly, Science FICTION has NOT been credited with 'Commonplace' Science, that of Present Day Science and Technology.  I find 'It' EGREGIOUS but THAT and THOSE are 'Stories of Another Day'.  It's bizarre but the Future is ALWAYS preceded by "It we don't annihilate ourselves FIRST." 

SUPPOSEDLY, In "The Myth of Earth', Humankind gets its shit together, Unifies, and the Planet AS A WHOLE, (somehow) becomes a SOCIALIST UTOPIA, able to harness all Its Resources and Enters Space as an EXPLORATION Species as we have witnessed by Pop Culture Icon "Stat Trek". 

All that SHIT is HIDEOUSLY Romantic, since we are presently experiencing nothing short of the 2nd Dark Age, One of Science and Truth DENIAL, One of the PRONOUNCED and UBIQUITOUS Spread of HATRED, vis-a-vis Bigotry as PANDEMIC; and, of course, the Economic INJUSTICE that has BANKRUPTED "Equality Under The Law".

The American Senate had decided to ABANDON the Very Folks Who Pay For Their LIVES !!! 
MILLIONS upon MILLIONS are nearing Destitution yet the Fat Cats of Yesteryear reside in  PALACES paid-for by American CITIZENS whose cries for RELIEF are symptomatically IGNORED by DISGUSTED 'aristocrats' who BLATANTLY dispense, "Let the Peasants eat SHIT".

FAITH ?? ? 

What is Faith to do with Cruelty ?

Saturday, August 8, 2020

"The Masks Of God"

Calls for 'Unity' are nothing more than bleets from sheep.  You'd think, maybe you'd want to Believe, that a Nation stricken by a Global Pandemic would (somehow) find a 'Way' to set aside its Difficulties      in-order to join 'Forces' to ensure at least SOME 'Measure' of Protection against said Plague Pandemic -------I mean, you'd think. 

Here it is where 'pundits' become 'pun-dunces' as they issue their Romantic Notion, "I have Faith in the American People"---a "People" that have proven themselves to Worship Money, Deny Truth in ALL Its Manifestations, INCLUDING Science, and whose "Essence" is that of Jungle ANIMALS and their concomitant Primal (Instinctual) Psychology. 

You'd think that ONE simple REQUEST >>>  PLEASE WEAR A MASK <<< would be ACCEPTED as Armament Agent--- a PROVEN Defender against the Spread of Covin-19.   Instead, the 'Wearing of Mask' has itself proven to be Badge of Righteous 'Compassion for OTHERS' and so an ANATHEMA to MANY Millions of Brainless dotards and dolts alike >>>Redneck White Trash SCUM<<< whose Abject HATRED of the MAJORITY of Democracy Love-ing Citizens seeks to bring Societal DOWNFALL to an Entire Nation even though their OWN demise will be INCLUDED in the Pandemic that is CIVILIZATION Catastrophe.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Stone Bold

I don't know if 'Poetry' has 'meaning'.  Still, I Write Poems in order to satisfy an Inner Desire to relieve myself of Conditional Intensity, That of being FILLED with SENSATION--so much so---that It Cannot be contained within my Heart nor my Soul.  Just now I've come in from a kwik stroll by the Rear Boulder Boundary, where I received a Cosmic Affirmation.  I got it into my Head that Each Boulder has, within it, Meaning.  I wrote, some time ago, that Words have Meaning within Them as well.  I don't really know if that statement is 'True', although I FEEL as if It iz.  Just now this "Strange News From Another Star".   It maybe that Rock and Stone do NOT Have Truth within them NOR Meaning.  What DUZ have Truth is my EFFORT to move them.  So it is with Writing Poems,  The Truth and therefore the MEANING resides in the EFFORT.

This THIS is what makes trump's Ignorance so Atrocity Laden >>>> It is his COMPLETE and UTTER LACK OF EFFORT !!!!!!!!!!!!  There is and CANNOT 'be' ANY Truth nor MEANING to him or his so-called Presidency.  He is self-satisfied by his complacency such is the Nature of his COMPLETE Incompetence.  

I'm dun for now,  I'm gonna eat and MAKE-BELIEVE I'm gonna do BIG Things.

Rock Steady........steady as She goes....


Please allow me to add 'Half-wits' to Dim-wits and Nit-wits whose descriptional Interventions disregard   "Right before your very eyes" (Captain Obvious)  ATROCITIES.  The Senate and the House (just now) embarked on a TW O WEEK HOLIDAY thereby ABANDONING 
>>> MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS <<<  of American CITIZENS !!!!!!!!!!!!! 

To regard and be FIXATED on trump's mis-use of a COSMIC Absolute and to largely IGNORE a STAMPEDE of  ANIMALS  'Hell-bent' on ESCAPING Pandemic Conflagration and Its subsequent ECONOMIC Perversionary Pestilence is to be OBLIVIOUS to the UNEARTHLY Suffering of THOSE THAT PAY THE WAY of THESE GODLESS ATROCITORS  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump is no Single-Handed Satan Worshiping Messiah whose Ritual Condemnation of  True and Honest, Hard-Working AMERICANS incites Senators to Genocidal Commandment---No and FUCK NO !!!!  Republican Senators are his SLAVE ARMY of  Nation DESTROYERS whose ONLY Fealty is to MONEY and POWER and whose Observance of Trumpian Order MEANS the wholesale SACRIFICE of MILLIONS of American Souls---their Lives be DAMNED by the Love of HATRED.

Welcome to the Slaughter-House

I'm no Fan of Reality.  However, I both LOVE and LOATHE Reality 'Devices' such as Mirrors and Scales.  I LOVE my Doctor's Office Scale, it reads-out that I am a FAT SACK OF HUMAN EXCREMENT on almost a Daily Basis >>> WHICH I HATE !!!!  My new 'GARGANTUAN' is Oat-Meal Frosted Cookies which cause Ecstatic DELIRIUM but WEIGH on me as Walrus FLUBBER.

I'm sick--SICK I tell you.   But I digress....... .

What IZ "Appalling" is trump's callous RESIGNATION of the Pandemic's SLAUGHTER which HE himself is  PRIMARY Contributor. 

I BELIEVE he and his ilk regard the NEEDLESS Slaughter of AMERICAN Blacks and AMERICAN Spanish Speakers as Genocidally APPROPRIATE !!!!!  What better Way to extinguish the Passionate FIRE of Democracy Loving CITIZENS ?????  All Those that  would Vote AGAINST him now must endure the Ravages of Plague Pandemic in such a 'Way' that elicits a "Thy Will Be Done" HORROR that provides HIM and his  with Hideously GROTESQUE 'Satisfaction'.

A Dult or a Dolt ?

ANY Hindi, Buddhist, Zen Buddhist, and Sufi will AGREE with trump.  "It is what It is" is the TRUE Nature of the Universe and ALL Its Manifestations.  Each and EVERY 'Manifestation' is within this--------------------------------------Calibration.  To be appalled by trump's so-called 'callous disregard' for Present Day Human Existence is to be Appalled by Cosmic Oneness.  You can see It rite ?  Are we  'APPALLED' by "Democracy is what it is" ?   Of course not, yet we ARE 'APPALLED' by "Putin is what he is",  and worse, we SHOULDN'T be APPALLED by 'trump is what he is'. 

Somehow, "It is what It is" is an ACCEPTANCE of a Conditioned Reality whose Foundation is 'Phenomena'.    'The 6th Insight Into Mahayana Buddhism' has 'It' this way >  "Insight that sees that Phenomena itself IS 'The Absolute' ".   Here, the 'Absolute' IZ Reality.

"It is what It is" describes SUBJECTIVE Reality, the One of Perceiver and the Perceived.  Trump's numbskullic retort actually Defines OUR Existence.

"It is what It is".

You gotta wonder about the Extant of Christ's 'God-Ness', meaning, if He was ALL KNOWING, ALL POWERFUL, and ALL EVERYWHERE, then He MUST have SEEN the Pornographic PERVERSION of His own PRIESTLY CASTE, The Caste of Sodomy and Gonorrhea, the one of Sexual Debauchery and Heinous PHYSICAL Corruption.  Clearly, He was "OK" with such Priestly ATROCITY.  I RESPECT Him for that. Believe me. I can hear Him sigh, "It is what it is."